MD Vampire AU Part 11

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N woke up to find himself coated in snow. How long had he been unconscious? Where was V? What was she planning?

He noticed a small drip of blood from his temple, V had done some actual damage. Growling, N rose from the ground- he was aching everywhere- but anger overran his pain.

The sun was starting to peak from behind a cloud, meaning he could have easily died if V left him out there for much longer. Whatever she was planning better be worth her life, since that's what N was considering a fair trade for almost killing him.

Still, the words she had used before echoed in his head: 'We've been invited to prom!'

Bullshit. There was no way the humans would let either V or N in their school, whatever V was planning would be the death of hundreds.


N felt his face fall as he thought of his lost girlfriend, he missed her more than anything else, this was his chance to see her again.

He couldn't let V kill his human, he wouldn't let V kill his human.

Growling in preparation for flight, N was planning on heading straight for the bunker, when the word 'prom' ran through his head again.
If he was gonna save a prom, surely he should clean up a little? His outfit was stained with blood and filthy snow- plus if Uzi was in a prom dress...

N couldn't help himself but grin at the idea of Uzi in a pretty dress, and blushed at the idea of them standing together in formal clothing. He glanced back at the sun and saw he had a few hours until sunset, but V had been kind enough to knock him out by the apartment building, surely there would be a suit in there?

While N raided for a suit, Uzi dressed herself in her mums old black dress. It had a tight corset top and a loose short skirt that stopped just above her knees, the dress was completely black aside from some grey sequins sown into the hem of the skirt. Making Uzi shimmer slightly as she moved.

The silver matched the necklace that Khan had brought her, it was a thin silver chain with a small star charm, shining on her upper chest.
Uzi was wearing her typical black platform boots, but had replaced the black laces and straps with silver ones, allowing them for match her jewellery.

That just left the beanie, Uzi was keen to wear it, but she also knew that it wasn't exactly in line with the rest of the outfit, and Lizzy had made it clear she wanted everyone to look their best for pictures sake.
Sighing, Uzi took off her beanie and laid it gently on her bed, instead brushing back her hair slightly and clipping it with silver hair clips.

She left her room to find a note from her dad saying he had gone early to help set up, but that he'd taken care of' Uzi having to go alone.

Anxious, Uzi didn't have to wait long to see what her father meant. The front door slammed open revealing Lizzy and Doll, smiling sarcastically at her.
"Hey Freak! Glad your dressed already, we're gonna get setup at Dolls, follow me~" Lizzy practically sang the words, turning as strutted away. Doll stood still and waited for Uzi to gather herself before they began to follow Lizzy.

When they reached Dolls apartment Lizzy made a point to banish Uzi to the bathroom. Insisting that Uzi 'clearly had more work to do' on herself, and that she and Doll could change in the bedroom.

And you wonder why the whole school thinks you're both gay?

Groaning, Uzi decided to just wait until Lizzy or Doll said something to leave the bathroom, but something caught her eye.
For the last few weeks a few humans had gone missing, the adults couldn't find a link but Uzi noticed they all came from her class. Doll's bathtub had a dripping sound that only seemed to speed up as Uzi anxiously approached it.

Before she ran out of the room, Uzi ripped open the curtain and found the tub filled with discarded mirrors and snapped wooden stakes, all of it stained with blood. The dripping from the tap was blood as well, like Doll had been washing herself in it.

Uzi wanted to scream, the sight was horrific, but then she heard Lizzy from outside the door.
"Nobody will notice she's missing, I'll let V in~ you go get ready!" Lizzy chimed, sounding alarmingly peppy for someone who was endangering her entire species.

Suddenly Uzi was overwhelmed with urgency, she had about an hour before prom- that wasn't enough time to get her stakes ready, or to reach the authorities before V got in.

She had no options, there was nothing she could do-

N. He could beat V easily.

Uzi's mind was racing with the idea of seeing N again, she felt angry and betrayed by him, yet craved seeing him more than anything. Honestly, a part of her knew that the second she saw him, the rage would depart, as much as she wanted to be angry.

Without thinking, Uzi climbed the discarded mirrors and ran towards the doors, opening them and racing into the night - struggling in her dress to move fast as she normally did.

A moment of running passed quick when Uzi heard a familiar voice. She turned to the right slightly and saw N standing just a feet away, dressed in a traditional black suit with a white polo.

He hadn't changed much in appearance, he was coated in fresh scars and his hair was a little longer, but aside from that he was the exact same N that Uzi remembered.

The two stood staring at each other blankly for a moment, neither sure if this was real and wondering what the next step was.
N opened his mouth for speak, but was cut off by Uzi running straight into his chest, rubbing her head against him. N blushed at his girlfriend and cupped her head to look up at him "Hey" is all he could manage. Uzi smiled shyly and blushed back "Hey".

They stood quietly for a few seconds, taking in each other's outfit. "You look amazing" N said, smiling while looking down at Uzi, who groaned in response.
N laughed and picked his girlfriend up with one hand. She blushed brighter but settled in his arms "V is about to kill everyone" Uzi explained.

The vampire nodded "Yeah we should probably go deal with that".

N released his wings and jumped into the air, speeding back to the colony, Uzi insisting that the gap on the roof was still very vulnerable to an outside attack. She even assumed that's how V planned to get in, which was confirmed when they saw the first few layers of metal had been breached.

Immediately N smashed through without any struggle and flew to Prom. Ignoring the humans yelling after him and Uzi.

By the time the two reached the hall doors, loud music was blaring from inside and Uzi could hear Lizzy on the microphone going on about prom queen.

Surely Lizzy isn't stupid enough to actually give V prom queen?

Slamming open the doors, Uzi saw that V was standing centre stage by the microphone, N sunk his claws back into his hand and looked around confused. It looked like a normal prom, like nothing weird was about to happen, maybe nobody would have to die-

Suddenly a girl standing in the front row seemed to blow up, as in literally explode, shattering into pieces of flesh. In less than a second all hell broke loose, students running rampant to try and escape the hall, V also attempted to fly away- but was stabbed by a random metal pole that appeared from nowhere.

"Uhhhh" N said, looking at Uzi for clarification. She just groaned and pointed to Doll, who seemed to have grown sharp fangs inside her open mouth.

Without thinking N jumped in front of V to deflect Dolls next attack, Uzi meanwhile ran straight at Doll with a wooden stake. Assuming she simply had been bitten and was a regular vampire.

She wasn't an ordinary vampire, Doll flicked her hand and Uzi felt blood swell up in her throat, like she was chocking on herself. N, who had just freed V jumped down to join Uzi, he grabbed her hand and spun her to dodge a knife Doll threw at them.

For a moment the room went quiet, N had pulled Uzi back to his side and they were clutching each other's waists. Blushing fiercely, Uzi looked up at N "How's V been?" Her voice was jokey, but there was a real hint of jealousy behind it.

"How's Thad?" N joked back, though he was genuinely curious if Uzi had moved on with her only friend in his absence.

V coughed and the two turned to look at her standing by what seemed to be Dolls corpse. "Alright sausage, mind explaining what the heck just happened?"

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