Guardian Angel Part 9

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"Yeah N? What's up?" Uzi looked up at N, trying not to panic at what he could be about to ask, she hoped he didn't have a question about her dad- though that would probably be it.

N smiled sweetly at her, he knew she was probably overthinking again, most likely assuming he was going to ask about her dad. He didn't need angel powers to know this- Uzi just pulled the same expression every time she overthought.

That adorable expression...

Sighing from sweetness, N decided to get on with it "Do you believe anyone deserves death?"

Uzi's eyes went wide, out of all the questions he could have possibly asked, that was one of the ones she was expecting the least. Honestly she didn't know why N would ask about death- he was an angel & she was pretty sure they couldn't die..

"Honestly...I'm not sure...but I think if someone did deserve to die, it would be someone who's ruined another's life, whether in a physical, mental or emotional way" Uzi nervously replied, she didn't know if she meant it, and couldn't comprehend why N would ask her something like this.

Little did Uzi know, but her words had been exactly what N was hoping for, she'd unknowingly justified N's actions- and least in his mind. Uzi had said people who ruin each other's lives- well half of the class was ruining Uzi's school life! Therefore she couldn't blame him for punishing them!

The two walked towards the centre, N's hands swinging and Uzi trying to read his face, but he still just had that adorably suspicious grin on his face.

While Uzi walked, she couldn't help but feel her eyes drawn towards N's hands, they had literally been wrapped around her that morning- yet her face flushed as she got an idea.

Without a word Uzi snuck closer to N's side, her visor went pure purple as she considered what she was about to do.

God I'm an idiot...

Biting back her fear, Uzi slid her hand forwards as N swung his back, gripping it loosely. N jolted and slowed his walk, but he didn't look down, his visor was coated with yellow blush as he matched his pace with Uzis.

N & Uzi had matching expressions as they kept going, neither wanted to ruin the moment, but of course inside they were both having panic attacks-


N's mind:

After a few more minutes of walking and internal panic, the 'not a couple' arrived at the shopping centre, Uzi tried to subtly remove her hand from N's, but N's instantly heartbroken expression made her relent.

"N...people are going to think we're a couple!" Uzi hissed, some students from school were already looking over with shocked faces. N smiled "About that, I was thinking we play along, people would suspect why I'm always around you otherwise".

Uzi somehow managed to go even more purple, how could he say something like that so casually!?

Yet he kinda had a point, they definitely looked like an odd pair together, being a couple would at least explain why they were hanging out constantly.

"Okay...but we'll only say that if they ask, otherwise can we keep it on the down low?" Uzi pleaded, eyes barely visible under her purple blush.

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