'Drunk' (Nuzi)

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"I think this should fix it V- though I should probably check on it again in a few days" Uzi said, finishing up her tightening of Vs arms back in place. The female disassembly drone scoffed "Thanks but you only had to screw it back on- I automatically heal remember?"

Uzi rolled her eyes at her "Yeah but your the one who came to me complaining about it not fitting back in right fussy" she stood up and considered finding another insult for V when her phone rang.

It was Thad, so Uzi picked up, "Hey Thad! What's up?"

There was quiet on the end of the phone, though Uzi could hear sounds of rustling from the other end.
Thad finally spoke "Oh yeah- uhhh I may have given N diesel". Uzi and V looked at each other, diesel was basically the drones equivalent of alcohol, and if you had no tolerance to it-

"What the fuck were you thinking?!?" V snapped through the phone, leading Thad to panic slightly on the other end "I thought he'd be tolerant to it or whatever cause he's bigger! But he's acting really weird- what do I do?!?"

Groaning, Uzi slapped her face before instructing Thad. "Take him to mine- my dad is working for the next few days so I can take care of him" Uzi decided, ignoring Vs pissed looking face.

Ending the call, Uzi immediately tried to leave, but was stopped by V. "Why not bring N here? I can handle him" she asked, sounding a little pissed.
Uzi raised a digital eyebrow and replied savagely "I didn't think you cared after ignoring him for years".

Ignoring V's protests, Uzi stomped out of the pod and raced home, not wanting N to alone for long in her house drunk.

Slamming open the front door, Uzi found N lying face flat on the sofa, groaning and rubbing his head further into the pillows. "Oh N...come here" Uzi said, voice unusually sweet and soft. She wasn't doing it on purpose- seeing N so weak just triggered that kind of voice.

Slowly N lifted himself up from the sofa and waddled to Uzi, who walked N slowly to her room while holding his hand. There was a pole on Uzi's ceiling she typically let N rest on when he came to hers, but this time N just fell flat on Uzi's bed, limps all spread out as he groaned again.
Uzi blushed at the sight of N lying on her bed, but shoved it away so she could tend to him. "Can I take off your coat N? Diesel warms our systems and I don't want you overheating" she asked, already starting to unbutton the top off Ns coat.

"You can take off more if you want" N replied with a giggle, eyes glitching slightly as he said it.

Despite turning purple, Uzi ignored Ns comment, he was drunk. He didn't mean it.

Slowly Uzi removed Ns coat and placed it aside, he wasn't wearing anything else underneath, but she tried her best to ignore his nakedness. She hunted through her drawers before finding a massive T-Shirt that should just fit N. She didn't bother looking for trousers since N never wore any.

N sat up at Uzi's request and lowered his torso slightly so she could pull the shirt over his head. "Must you be so helpless when you're drunk?" Uzi teased, slightly enjoying having a reason to tend for N. Her joy didn't go unnoticed as N smirked back at her "So we're pretending you don't like this?"

Again, Uzi flushed purple, and it only got worse as N grabbed her by the arm. He pulled her directly onto his lap and tipped her head up to be gazing at him.
The sat still for a moment, Uzi's imagination running wild as she wondered what Ns end goal was.

Suddenly Uzi felt N fiddling with her hair, and he placed his head on one of her shoulders, nuzzling into the crook of her neck gently. "Thad told me it's easier to be brave when you're drunk, I think he was right" N mumbled, mouth dangerously close to Uzi's
neck, his breath making her shiver. "Oh yeah? What do you mean by that?" Uzi replied, trying to sound braver than she was.

The hand in her hair moved downwards to her shoulders, and the Ns free one grabbed her hand. He looked into her eyes, which were hollow in surprise as he whispered an answer "I love you".

Wait-what-no-he's kidding- no way

Despite Uzi's shocked face, N persisted "I've wanted to say it for a while now but" he stopped suddenly, making Uzi raise a digital eyebrow. N's visor glitched and he put his hand back in her hair "Your so pretty" his tone was jokey again, and Uzi groaned, slamming her face into his chest. There's no way N understood anything he was saying right now.

They sat in silence for a moment, Uzi leaning on Ns chest as he mumbled drunken nonsense at her. She felt safe in Ns arms, and noticed her digital eyes becoming heavy, without much thought, she wrapped her arms around N and mumbled back.

Uzi fell asleep in Ns lap, unaware of his hands moving down to her waist, too asleep to hear his breathing slow as he fell back on the bed.
Gazing up at Uzi on his chest, N smiled and held her as close as he could, letting his own eyes shut as he fell asleep.

Naturally- they both screamed when they woke up- especially since N was so wasted he had no memory of the night before what-so-ever.

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