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The ride home was silent between Alisha and Jawad. 

He had found her collapsed in the middle of the large hallway that led to the kitchen, tons of maids stepped over her, ignoring her. 

That was the final straw. 

And within the hour he took his wife away from them. 

He was with Alisha's parents before who had known what the grandmother had done. 

Her father confessed that they had found out 3 years after and believed it was too late to contact Alisha. 

Her mother had refused to speak. 

And after cracking under the pressure Jawad put her under, she confessed that she didn't want to see her daughter again, that Alisha was dead to her. 

He took a step back to process what he was told, and now, 2 hours later he still could not process it. 

They did not care not one person and he didn't want to be the one to break it to Alisha, for she would break.

Soon enough, they had reached his home.

She ran inside immediately, not a word said.

Jawad sighed, she was going to break, and there would be no saving her.

Pulling Yazan and Qadir out of their seats, had caused Hameed to wake up.

He pulled the younger two into his arms, and let Hameed onto his back, his small arms around Jawad's neck like a rope.

Trying to be quick, he tried to ignore the light that was on in his mother's room.

He could hear her crying. His wife.

"They all got to live their lives and I got to suffer. They could have easily brought me back, had my uncles show up and scare him off, so why did she let him take me? Why did she sell me if they already had so much money"

Hameed was beginning to slip, as his mother screamed louder.

It wasn't fair.

He should have done his research properly before taking her there. Once he would have found out how wealthy they were, that would have tipped him off. This was his fault ultimately.

The boys were settled into bed.

What could he do?

He knew there would be times during this marriage which would be helpless but he truly overlooked how helpless he would be in those scenarios.

He stood in the doorway of his mother's room, watching as she laid next to Alisha telling her she wasn't going anywhere.

Soon enough Alisha was sound asleep.

Yet Jawad's urge to sleep was nowhere.

He was drowning in guilt, a feeling he is much acquainted with yet a feeling that never got better.

His mother approached him, tugging his arm to pull him into the hallway.

"You really shouldn't have taken her there Jawad."

"I know that now."

"No. You shouldn't have taken her there at all without informing her first. It's bad enough that she had face all that with no notice but she also found out the people that are supposed to love her unconditionally haven't thought of her once. They probably never cared for her. My poor daughter. She doesn't deserve this."

They stayed silent for a moment.

"Life is unfair for everyone at some point."

"What are you going to do Jawad?"

"I-I don't know."

"She needs therapy, so do you, so do the kids. I would also suggest couple's therapy as well. Let yourselves heal. You're hurting yourselves holding onto the past and you need to be her pillar now and forever and when she gets strong enough she will do the same. Jawad you need to step up as your role as a husband."

That night changed a lot for that family.

Jawad acted upon his mother's advice. 

And now 5 years later, they were here. 

A loving family, who were stable and mostly healed. 

They had made it. the journey wasn't perfectly linear but they had done it. 

They were two broken souls who had met, united and healed together. 

They had been broken in different ways, at different frequencies. 

But they had healed believing in a better tomorrow, and now they were living in it. 

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