Chapter 11

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"W...what?" I stuttered.

"Every female Adeel Jamaal has ever married has ended up dead or in such a position where death would be the better option than living. That is all except you. Why is that?" He questioned whilst boring holes into my soul.

"M..maybe because I carried his children." I reply, unsure.

"But he could have had children with any one of these women. You weren't the only one to get pregnant with his sperm."

I look up shocked.

"Where are the rest of his children, then?"

"Dead. Along with their mother's."

I still in shock. My eyes widen as the words settle into my head.

" I c...could be dead right about now? Along with my children."

He nods his head sorrowfully.

"But say Alhumdullilah that your not. Unlike the many other women that weren't as lucky or khush naseeb  as you."

I scoff. "You think I've got a good naseeb? ARE YOU MAD! Were you not listening to me when I was telling you that story, my story. THAT WAS ALL MY NASEEB!" I shout hysterically at the selfish man.

"All I'm saying is that you could be 6 feet under like my sister-"

"Maybe I would prefer to be in her position rather than having men like you intrude in my life and think that you're better than me."

"No that's not what I'm trying to-"

"Shut it. I don't want to hear anything else."

I turn on my heel and leave.

How dare he! How dare he? Why? Why Allah, do you remind me that my position could be a thousand times worse.

'Maybe because it could be', my conscience retorted.

It could be' I repeated in my head, but it isn't.

I walked over to my prayer mat and laid it down, I then briskly walked to bathroom to do wudhu. I needed to pray, He could only give the answers to my questions.

Just as I head over to my prayer mat, I realise he didn't eat anything.

"Hania. Hania!" I call down the stairs. She comes to me, quick as a flash.

"Ji, baji?"

"Can you do me a favour please?"

"Of course baji!"

"Please set the table and give the man that came food and tell the boys to eat. If Hameed asks for me, tell him that I don't feel well and have already eaten. Ok?"

She nods her head and quickly starts making her way downstairs.

"Oh and Hania", she turns her head, "Thank you. For everything, if you hadn't been there for me, I honestly would be seriously lost or maybe even dead."

"Baji, don't you ever say that again!" She exclaimed in serioussness whilst I chuckled seeing this side of her. "And don't thank me, I should thank you if you didn't take me in that night. I would be dead especially as all my brothers were after me for leaving my husband."

I smile sadly as I remebered the day I first encountered the angel that Allah sent down to help me and my children.


It had been a full 6 months since he had died and I realised one thing. That one thing was that I couldn't balance working with being a mother. This had been the third time this week that I had forgotten to buy groceries, and I had left the kids alone because there was no one to leave them with.

I was alone.

A 19 year old with 3 boys who were all a year apart, and no stable income coming into the home.

The businesses I had sold had all been purchased within a week of putting them up, they were all sold at fairly good prices so I opened accounts for all my sons that I would give to them when they would turn 18. I may not have loved them, but I still wanted the best for them.

They were my children. I wanted them to be successful even if I couldn't look at them as proudly as the next mother would. I still wanted them to be the best they can be.

And I still pray that they become the best versions of themselves, with or without me I pray that they never stray off the right path. And I also pray that they don't turn out like their father.

After purchasing everything, I called a taxi and started my way home. I sat at the back of the taxi, thinking about my life. How I wished, I was in better circumstances, but I'm not. I never will be.

As I was thinking about this, I saw a dark figure moving in the dark. It was a woman, wrapped in a  black, thick chaddar, as if she was trying to hide from someone. I told the taxi driver to stop and wait for me.

I approached the lady in the scarf, slowly, I bent to her level and gave her the most genuine smile I possibly could give.

When she turned her face into the light, my smile dropped. She looked younger than me, a tear or two. But her face....her face was completely ruined. Bruises and scars decorated her face instead of kajol and lipstick.

I knew at that moment I had to help her. I had to keep her safe.

I gently clasped her hand but she flinched back.

I turned to her, "I'm not going to hurt you, I would never!" I say in a soft tone.

She shook her head, " ar...are like them. You will hurt me as well."

I shook my head, "I've been in a situation like yours. I've been in such a vulnerable state, accept my help and I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

She looked at my hand hesitantly. After a long minute, she placed her hand in mine, and I helped her up and into the taxi.

It took her a month to trust me but when she did, she did it wholeheartedly.

She had warmed up to the boys immediately and she became my sister. The younger sister whose life I would protect with all my being, even if it meant that I would have to give up my own. I would, I would happily do so.

We lived a life together, she would help me with the household chores and eventually she took over for me so I could focus on my business and that's when the business started flourishing.

I got her admission into a good university and I'm sending her. I can see the udaasi in her eyes when she sees other girls her own age having fun and enjoying life.

So I decided I wouldn't let it happen to her.


I'm going to let her fulfil every khuwaish her heart has ever yearned, that has ever crossed her mind or stayed on her tongue.

I owe her my life.

She helped. She saved me.

What I did for her, was nothing compared to what she did for me. Despite being 4 years younger than me, she taught me about Islam. Properly.

She helped me to turn to Allah and I couldn't be more grateful.

I pray that Allah gives her an abundance of happiness and success.

And with that thought, I started my prayer. Remembering all things I'm grateful about including my sister, Hania.


I just wanted to remind you guys that, be grateful for your siblings.

They may be annoying but honestly they are one of the best blessings out there.

Next chapter's from Jawad's POV.😉

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