Chapter 17

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The winds swirled her hair in delight.

The sun shone warmly onto her skin.

A smile finally made its way onto her face.

Finally. After months and months of tears, nightmares, panic attacks, she finally felt at peace.

For today was the day, she was going to get her azaadi.

The thing she had craved for all these years. She was finally going to be rid of the cage that she let her stay in all these years.

Today was the day that she hoped, prayed and dreamed of and it was finally happening.

She finished reading the ayah of the Quran and placed the Holy Book back on its appointed shelf. Whilst letting her damp hair, get a whiff of the fresh air.

These past months have been a horrifying nightmare and a beautiful dream all mixed into one.

She was still traumatised. Who wouldn't be?

The man who had single-handedly ruined her life and then deserted her, came back to remind her that she was only his.

After being discharged from the hospital, Jawad had ordered her to stay at his house and she caved. Not because she was scared of Jawad, heck! He couldn't stand the sight of anyone crying, but because she herself wasn't able to go back to the place he had assaulted her body and soul yet again.

He had stained her safe abode.

Yet again.

But this time in the colour of her own blood.

And that pained Alisha even more.

How much more did she have to suffer?

She would think to herself during the lonely nights, she sat down at her desk and began writing, in fact in her words bleeding onto the unsuspecting paper.

Those were the nights, when the word 'suicide' would pop up in her thoughts. She would think about it, but then brush the idea aside.

There were too many responsibilities, sure she had places properties on her children's name, she had many bank accounts in their names, she had enrolled them into the best schools, both in current time and in the future.

She wanted to find her purpose.

Her purpose for being on this earth.

Her purpose for breathing this air.

Her purpose for existing.

During her short stay at the Siddiqui residence, both Aunty and Sadia Baji had helped her. From taking the kids when she became irritated to going to the Masjid together. Both helped her to keep her mind occupied and off the recent happenings.

She loved their company but she couldn't stay any longer.

She didn't want to a burden. They would convince that she wasn't one. But her conscience had always mocked her, reminding her that she had no reason to stay her.

So she left, she knew she could always visit if time permitted.

She wanted to allow herself to move on.

But she could only move on if he doesn't stunt her growth.

She had bought a new house and sold the previous one not wanting to ever remind herself of the trauma.

With constant visits every now and then to the Siddiqui residence, life had mostly returned to normal.

But today, today would determine if she would be truly free of the shackles of her past.

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