Chapter 21

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It had been a week since Jawad's letter and the release of his article. 

Her istikhara had come back positive, every time she thought about marrying Jawad her heart felt at peace. 

But she just wanted an answer to a question, which was going to happen today. 

Jawad was by the front door sulking because he didn't agree with her idea, she accepted going to meet Adeel. 

She wanted to ask one question and wanted to receive one answer.  

Nothing more nothing less. 

She was ready but was trying to pry Hameed of herself as he had been begging her to let him go with them. 

She had been refusing for the past 5 minutes, trying to bargain with him, by promising him a day out to the water park. 

Eventually she caved, letting him come, but told him that he wasn't allowed to leave the car at any point. 

They reached the prison, she jumped out of the car with Sufiyan by her side as they both walked into the gloomy building. 

They took their seats and were soon joined by a total of 5 prison guards as he had made an attempt to escape a month ago. And then he entered, his face almost unrecognisable due to the beatings he had taken, but the malice look in his eyes hadn't faded. Not one bit. 

"So, what brings you here today?" He says with a mocking tone and an evil smile, all directed towards Alisha. 

"My client would like to ask you one question. If that is ok with you, Mr Jamal?" 

He nods in response. 

"Of course why not!" He says sarcastically. "What would this whore of a woman want with me when I am no longer her husband." He smiles sweetly, sickeningly sweetly. 

Sufiyan's hand clenched yet he responded calmly, "Stay within your limits, need I have to remind you that this meeting is being recorded?" He point to the black voice recorder placed in the middle of the table. 

He rolls his eyes and looks at Alisha, "go on then, what are you waiting for?" He says in a menacing tone. 

"W-why me? Why did you leave me alive and with all those properties?" 

He scoffs, "It's cause you bore boys." 

"But there were others that were pregnant with your child, it wasn't only me." 

"Ahh! Yes there were! But you were the only one that gave birth to boys. I did want to kill you off but you didn't give me a reason to you were submissive, you did everything correctly, you were just perfect. So I kept getting you pregnant, and if you bore a girl I would have killed you off. And when you didn't I couldn't bring myself to kill you so I left ready to pounce on my next prey. I left those properties thinking you wouldn't know what to do with them and end up blowing all the money, but you proved me wrong. Your a lot smarter than I thought you were and when I realised that this big writer was you, I had to burst your bubble it was hurting my ego that you were more successful and earned more in a day than I had ever done in my lifetime. I was going to win. I was going to kill you. But I guess you got lucky and the tables flipped on me." 

"Anything else?" He asks as if he hadn't just told her the reason why he had done all this was jealousy. 

He had given her a lifetime of trauma just because he wanted to keep her in check. 

Alisha shook her head, and began walking to the door, but stopped just before remembering something.

She turned her whole body and looked him straight in the eyes. "I hope you take your punishment properly like a man. I hope you spend this next year and a half thinking about what you have done and I hope the cries of every woman follow you like a bad odour wherever you go. I pray that finally understand what you did wrong. And I hope you repent before your times up because your going to have to answer to all these crimes, sin and wrongdoings of yours in the court of Allah. Allah Hafiz, Adeel Jamal. I hope we never cross ways again."

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