Chapter 9

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"2 months had passed. And I was back to where I started. In his bed. Underneath him." I stated whilst looking straight into his eyes. Feeling uncomfortable Jawad snapped his eyes downwards. He could only imagine how much physical and mental torture a woman went through when she was raped. And in Alisha's case it was her own....husband. The man that was supposed to protect her from pain was the in who was causing it.

As usual he was back to using my body.

A week later I was discharged, for a whole week he took care of me. "Just like a caring husband does for the wife he loves with his whole being. But I should have known that it was too good to be true..." I barely get the whisper out from my lips.

"What happened?" He asks curiously.

"What else do you think happened? He beat me the next week. The first week I was showered with care the second week I was covered in bruises." I smile. "But what was I expecting from a beast like him."

"Nothing better," we both sat at the same time.

We snap upwards to his face, "what do you mean by that?" I question him.

"I mean that he was never going to change a man never changes himself for a woman, if he's taught that he is 'mightier' than them." He sighed looking me straight in the eye. "Adeel was taught to use women not respect them."

He's right. Completely right.

I looked up at him, "how do you know that?"

"Because if you married him, even without your consent, stayed faithful to him, hardly ever crossed him and gave birth to not one l, not two but three of his children. He should have at least treated you like a queen, and clearly he didn't, if he could not do that then he should have at least given you some respect."

I quiet down. He's right again.

I cleared my throat and began to unravel the rest of my tale.

He was still using me until the sound of a soft cry filled the room. He immediately jumped off of me and off of the bed. He turned to me whilst sliding in his gown, "don't worry jaan. I'll go and take care of him. You just lay there I might come for a round two." He says with a wink and walks out the room into his child's nursery.

I layer on the bed, until I felt bile coming up my throat. Unable to keep it down anymore I rush to the bathroom and vomit my guts out.

"I remembered being in the same position 10 months before and without even conducting a pregnancy test. I knew I was pregnant. Again. This time at 17 years old."

"What's the age difference between all your children?" He asks curiously.

"The eldest and middle have an 11 month gap and the middle and youngest have a year gap."

"When did he leave you? After your third son?"

I nod my head.

" I remember what happened. I remember it all so clearly. I was so tired after he had used my body all through out the night, it had been 3 months since the youngest son had been born, by the way.

I laid on the bed, wondering when all this torture was going to end. And my eldest child comes to me, he was 3 at the time. He kept nagging me, I think about sweets or toys. And I kept ignoring him, eventually he came up to me and shouted in my face and that's when I lost my patience. I screamed at him "Dafa Hoja yahan se! I don't want to see your face!"

When I let it out, I saw the devil standing there with a hard glare on me. Hameed ran to his father with tears running down his far cheeks, "Baba, baba! Ammi shouted at me."

"Oh ho! Abba ka jaan koi baat nhi hai. Mama is very sleepy and she hasn't slept properly. So you go and play whilst she rests. Ask me if you need anything." He smiles at his son and guides him to leave the room. Bolting the door behind him.

He walks up to me, "what's your problem? I've seen that your behaviour is very cold with the children. Our children. They are both mine and yours. So tell me why you treat them like strangers? Huh? You know I could have children with any other woman, but I had my kids with you. YOU! Alisha, YOU! I remained loyal to you. I've never looked at a woman since the day you entered my life. I could have but didn't!"

"Who said I wanted this? Tell me, WHO?" I screamed back.


Another thappar marking her beautiful skin once again. Once again, a hit to her soul.

"You ungrateful whore! I kept you here as my wife even after your parents disowned you!"

"But who was the reason for them to disown me? You, YOU WERE!"

Another slap, another red mark adorning her skin.

"You slut, you whore. How dare you! How dare you answer me back?"

"I don't care . You did whatever you wanted now I'll do so myseld. You harassed me. You married me forcefully. You beat me and then you filled me with your dirty sperm 3 GOD DAMN TIMES!"

"Do not call my children dirty."  He gritted out.

"They aren't. They aren't! They are innocent! The way they were conceived was dirty! You raped me! You still rape me! When is it going to stop? WHEN!" I sobbed falling to the ground.

"I don't want to live no more." I whisper to myself.

"You know what I've had enough of you and your tantrums," he says and he walks away, out of the room....."and out of my life too. 2 hours later I receive a phone call that he died in a car crash and his will had said everything he owned was left to me. He had many small business that were doing ok but not good enough so I decided to sell them until one caught my eye: a publishing one. That was the only one I didn't sell, I carried that business on and that's how my books hit the shelves, through my own publishing company!"  I smile at him and he surprisingly returns it.

"When I heard the news I smiled. I smiled for the first time in 3 years. He was gone. The guard to my prison was finally dead and I could finally be free and fly. I promised myself that I would soar up high in the sky's and that's what I did. So, Jawad sahab thanks for listening to my story. That's the end of it."

So that's the end of her telling her story!
Next you'll find out why he came here...👀👀

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