Chapter 26

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He had parked the car, and began leading his family towards the small village.

He laced his fingers with Alisha's and held on firmly.

He looked down over his shoulder and smiled at her.

"Its going to be fine." And with those words all of Alisha's suspicions were confirmed.

She let him lightly drag her through the roads, she had once known like the back of her hand. 

She let the past reclaim its stake, reminding her of every moment spent on these streets.

She wanted to run but could not bring herself to do so. 

She didn't want to be here yet she did. 

As they stood in front of the magnificent doors, that seemed like they stood smaller than she remember. It occurred to Alisha that she had grown.

She was a woman now. 

They stood there, no one moved an inch.

She looked to Jawad, who motioned to with his head to knock. 

So she did. 

Unsure if they even still lived here. 

The door was opened, a tiny crack.

"Kon?" A maid, not one she recognised.

Of course it had been years.

"Alisha, Dadi Malika sai milna hai."

"Ajao andar."

They were let in.

The house she grew up, still stood in all its glory and strength.

They heard slow footsteps, their heads all turned.

"Dadi!" She called out to the woman who had her gaze lowered to the floor. 

The old woman's gaze snapped up, as her feet moved quick. 

"Alisha, Alisha Beti!" 

Alisha moved forward to hug her grandmother. The old woman stumbled into her arms. 

It had been way over a decade since she'd seen her.

Dadi had called out to everyone, who all had come running hearing the shouts. 

She held onto her grandmother, unable to look at anyone else.

"Go on," Her dadi loosened her embrace, "Go to your parents. They've been dying to meet you." 

She let go reluctantly and was embraced immediately. 

She heard wailing, she felt arms around her torso, she knew who it was. 

"My daugter! Meri beti. Shahid dekho humari bachi!"

She felt another arm around her. 

Alisha could not believe it. 

She was back. 

In her parent's embrace. 

Their warmth. 

Their scent. 

It was as if she had never been separated from them.

She cried. 

For all the wasted years she had lived without them. 

She cried as she remembered every time she would beg God to bring them back to her. 

She cried wishing she could turn back time and stay their innocent daughter. 

She felt a hand on her back, she knew his touch anywhere. 

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