Chapter 14

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*Still in Jawad's pov*

The rain was pelting down rapidly in such a short amount of time. 

'It's as if the clouds are upset with the earth. I wonder why.' Jawad thought to himself. 

Little did he know that the skies had just witnessed something horrible and were mourning for the woman who wouldn't mourn for herself. 

Disturbing the music of the rain, was the harsh ringtone of his phone, reluctantly, Jawad picked his phone up only to be surprised by the caller ID. 

His phone screen read: Alif Ali. In bold white letters. 

He placed his thumb on the green circle and swiped, whilst placing the phone near his ear and wondering what she could possibly want from him. But all he heard was static, th call had been cut off. 

'Odd' he thought. 

He shook it off and went to the kitchen to have dinner with his mother and his Sadia baji. 

Little did he know, this action of his nearly costed a life. 

-2 hours later-

He was on his way home after praying Maghrib. 

The sun had set yet the rain was still going. The skies were still mourning. 

He turned his phone on as he turned it off whilst prating so her could have no distractions when praying to His Lord. 

As soon as it turned on, it burst into life with the ear blasting ringtone. 

It was yet again read Alif Ali. 

Wasting no time, unlike last time, he picked it up and placed it on his ear, awaiting to hear what the woman who never wanted to see him again wanted with him. 

Instead he heard sobs. Heart-wrenching sobs. 

Like the ones he let out at his sister's funeral. 

"Hello! Hello? Alisha, what's wrong?" 

The cries intensified in volume.

"It...It's Hania. J..Jawad bhai." Something struck his heart at this point, every memory of Laila replayed in his mind when he heard those two words she used to say so lovingly to him. 

"Wh..what's wrong? Hania! Where's Alisha? Give her the phone!" Exclaiming exasperatedly, knowing he was hardly going to get any answers from Hania. 

"Ba...Baji. She's....she's not moving. There...there's b....blood everywhere! Everything in the house in broken. The boys are scared seeing their mother in this condition. Please!" 

"Come quick." She whispered and the call ended. 

I was shocked, stuck to myself. 

And then my body, jumped out of the shock. 

She needs me. 

I have to be there for her!

My body jumped into action. I began running towards my home, I opened the door with a bang and made my way upstairs to grab my keys. 

I called out to my mother telling her I will be out and won't make it for dinner. 

I jumped into the car, started it up and raced towards her house. 

I can't let her down. 

Not now, not ever! 

I parked my car outside and ran in to the house. 

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