Chapter 8

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"He stood there tall and strong. With a smirk telling me that he had won it all. He had won at everything and everything in life. And I had lost. Lost at everything.Lost completely. He knew I was trapped and he put me in such a trap that I could never escape. Nor ever will."

I remember looking up at his face to confirm my suspicions. And honestly my heart leaped into my throat. He had caught me. Like a rabbit caught in headlights.

He chuckled after seeing my terrified expression.

"My dear wife! You thought you could escape my clutches!" He said loudly whilst glaring down at me and then laughing like a hyena.

He bent down to my level and tutted in my face. "You should know better my wife." His voice dripping down a few octaves.

He grabs my hair suddenly in a tight grip. "Do I need to remind you, what I can do to you? Again?" He then smiles sinisterly, "I could give a demonstration to everyone, right here, right now." He brought my face closer to his. "Don't forget that you belong to me in every way."

He took a step back but kept his eyes glued to mine. Then they dropped to my stomach, my swollen stomach. The one carrying his child and his face hardened immediately.

"You thought you could keep my son away from me."

He slapped me on my right cheek and then on my left cheek.

I heard gasps and shouts. A guy from the guy protested loudly, making his way to stand in front of me, "you have no right to hurt so inhumanely!"

Adeel scoffs.
"And who are you? My wife's lover" extra emphasis on the word wife, "Are you the one that's been warming her bed since I've been gone?" He asks sarcastically.

Tears fall from my eyes. "Hes going to kill me, that's what I thought at that point. He was making such claims against my character I was sure that he would kill me afterwards. And he did. He murdered my soul."

Eventually the guy who tried to stand up for me, was bleeding all over the floor and the devil's gaze settled on me. He started stomping his way towards me, pushing everything out of his way and he kept his eyes on me. To warn me that no one could save me. Not now, not ever.

He grabbed my arm tightly and growled in face, "don't you dare think to even try to escape me, because I won't let you my wife." He pushed a strand of my loose hair behind my ear . He tightened his arm on my arm and gripped my cheeks and pushed them together harshly, causing me more pain.

How much more pain would he cause me?
How much more until I can't take it no more?

"You. Will. Never. Escape. Me. Understand?"

I nod slowly, praying he wouldn't hurt me any further.

He smiled a sinister smirk.

"Come now" and he dragged me up with an intense force, forgetting I was heavily pregnant.

My swollen stomach hit the table with such force. Instantly, I cried in pain.

I screamed.

I was in so much pain.

Then I felt something trickling down my leg.

I was scrawled on the floor. All I could focus on was the pain surging through my abdomen.

Why Allah? Why me?

"And that's the last thought I had before slipping into unconsciousness, apart from that I could hear him saying something like 'your alright. You're having our beautiful baby boy you'll be fine. I'll never hurt you again'. What a lie that was."

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