Chapter 6

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That's what I thought until an angel came into my life, at least that's what I thought at the time.

It was time to go back to college, he let me go only because I was under his nose and could be monitored at all times.

He didn't calm down then, I thought the stress of work would make him leave me alone but it was evidently not the case.

He would tell me to stay in his office whenever I had a break. If I didn't, he would go on a wild one, there were times where he hit me in his office for not 'following his instructions like a good wife'. But I didn't want to be a good wife, I didn't want to be his wife, hell I didn't even want to be a wife at all.

And let's not forget, I'm pregnant as well. I don't think I can come to classes any longer l, I'm struggling to hide my bump. When I first returned, my friends bombarded me with loads of questions, I was going to let it all out but then he walked past, glaring at me, warning me not to spill a word of what's happened.

So I didn't.

I stayed mute.

I didn't say a word and he smirked and walked away knowing he had yet again won. But you eventually have to lose in life, don't you? You have to accept defeat once in your life to realise that no one is greater than Allah. But will that time for him, in this life?

His time would come surely, just needs to trust Allah. 

His 'possessiveness' became more apparent to our peers and he didn't bother hiding it either. Students and teachers started gossiping, glares were often shot my way. I even had people throw disgusting comments, crude questioned and glare at me. It's not my fault I never wanted to be married to him, he forced me.

"Soon enough the rumours reached the head teacher, I was bought I would get into trouble. But she saved me. She saved my sanity, but only I know how I owe her. She helped me and it's only because of her I'm where I am now."

I looked at the ground.

"I pray that her soul rests in peace and that Allah grants her Jannah-tul-Firdous."

"W...what? She died?" I nodded my head slowly, "shortly after my first best selling book. The one about the girl and her forest. The forest that keeps playing tricks on her and traps her but she wants to escape. She always wanted to escape."

I look up to the ceiling whilst heaving a deep breath in.

"These books. All of them, from the best sellers to worst. From the shorter ones to the longer ones. From the ones which had vibrant coloured covers to the ones that had dark colours. They represent me. They are a piece of me. A piece of me that I'm never going to get back no matter how much I try."

I blinked away the tears, just a bit of my story to go and he'll leave. Like they all do.

"An announcement was made one day, 'Alisha Hakeem needs to report to the principal's office.' At that moment, I knew she knew. And I was afraid, afraid of her knowing..."

I walked myself to her office and knocked on the oak door, awaiting an answer. Immediately, a voice spoke allowing me to enter.

As expected, there sat the principal herself and him. As expected, he had a massive smirk on his face. He's left no way for me to escape, he'll never let me escape.

She sat me down and then did something unexpected, she turned to him and said "Mr Jamaal please leave while I have a word with Miss Alisha. Alone." Clear emphasis on the 'alone'.

He was going to protest but she yet again spoke. "Please Mr Jamaal. Do not FORGET that I'M the principal. That I'M the boss. I can easily for you in a snap of my fingers so I suggest Mr Jamaal don't you DARE defy me again. Do you understand?" She asked softly, putting him back into his place, as she should. He left the room and silence followed.

She looked at me and I looked at her. Both showing no emotion. Both trying to figure out what the other was hiding but with no success.

She came round the table and took a seat next to me. "What has he done to you my jaan?" She asks softly.

I bow my head, not answering her.

"What happened? What did he do to you?"

Receiving no answer again, she goes on to say, "You know Alisha darling. The day you took admission here. I could tell... I could tell that you'd go far. And you had instantly proved it to me. From the start your grades were amazing, you were always enthusiastic, whenever there were staff meetings your name would somehow pop up. Everyone knows you and your ambition to change Pakistan. We would be more than happy to support. And now. Now you don't do anything, nothing has been submitted from assignments to projects. What happened? Please, tell me. I'll help you." She pleaded.

Tears rolling down my face. How do I tell her when I couldn't even get my parents to believe me.

"H...H-he forced me." She stilled.

"Who's he? Is he Mr Jamaal," looking at me questioningly.

I nod my head frantically.

"He.... He forced a nikah on me.... With him."

She gasped as the last two words escaped my lips.

"Has he done anything else?"

I nod again.

"He forced himself on me. I...I spent this last holiday underneath me he impregnated me."

Tears rolled down both my and her face. Hers in shock, mine in agony.

This was my pain, my hurt and my suffering. It might not end.

"Alisha listen to me and listen to me well, I'll save you and keep him away from you."

"And that's exactly what she did. But only for 5 months because the monster emerged from his cage and vowed never to let me go a second time."

That's done for today!
Sorry it took so long.

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