Chapter 19

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She sat down with three pairs of eyes of following her every movement.

The big doe eyes that were filled with innocence, an innocence she would have to break if she wanted what's best for them.

"I'm sure you've been seeing my face on a lot of newspapers and magazines."

The judge had also ordered for the case to be put in the public, so her face and his was plastered everywhere, they were finally bringing light to women's problems. In a world where men ruled, a woman who wanted, needed her voice to be heard had to fight for. And fight she did indeed.

And she won her war.

But she owed this victory to someone else.

The man who proved to her that not all men were like him.

To the man who kept his promises.
Little did she know he had made a promise to his heart and he wasn't going to let it go.

Her mind wandered to the letter that was supposed to come today.

It would be the highlight of her week ever since she had been performing her iddat.

He would post the letter himself, and walk slowly away, as if he knew she would be standing there waiting for him.

She was.

She had been waiting for him her entire life.

Her heart just didn't know it yet.

But her soul did.

She snapped back to reality when she heard a bang and saw her 3 kids play fighting, yet again.

She smiled, shaking her head. Their clever yet stupid antics never ceased to make her smile.

And that's when it snapped, they would never be like their father, because they couldn't.

They were entirely her kids.

She had fed, fought and fended for them.

They were hers.

Sure, they may possess some characteristics of their father, but they carried her heart within their bodies.

They acted like her, they talked like her, they even smiled like her and there was nothing differentiating her and her kids.

And that's when it clicked.

They were HERS, they had always been hers.

No one could take that away from them or her.

And for the first time since they were born, she looked at them with love.

Her heart melted and her lips smiled when she saw them play fighting and laughing with each other.

She began laughing with them, stunned by her disruption of their fun, they stopped and slowly turned towards looking. Looking at their strict mother laughing was foreign for them.

So they watched her with wide eyes.

And when she calmed down and held out her arms, beckoning then to come towards her they didn't hesitate.

For this had been the first she had ever initiated such an act.

She decided that she couldn't stall anymore, she had to tell them.

They may hate her, they may not.

But she sure was going to find out soon.

"Ok sit down on the sofa over there bache", she said, pointing to the sofa directly in front of her.

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