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Eating breakfast with this family was so amazing, I felt like they were mine. But sadly, I’m not forgetting that their mother was still married.

I had slept with so much excitement last night especially when I saw Gal’s clothes spread out on my bed. They smelt so much like her that I doubt I would want t0 give her back. I spoke with Ethan since he was free at that time, and we really had a long conversation.

I needed to talk to someone about how I was feeling and he was the only one I could talk to. He teased me so much that my cheeks almost widened because of how hard I was smiling and red they got. He made sure to make me know how much of a ‘simp’ I was for her, which I totally disagreed.

But you know you are right?

Not now, brain.

I internally rolled my eyes to my thoughts because I knew both it and Ethan were both right, but never would I admit it especially not to Ethan. He would make sure to always tease me at any chance he got.

But, he still reminded me of how dicey the situation was, her being married, having so much publicity and fame and the fact that as of now, she was still known as straight. I just kept quiet when he talked about that part because honestly, I always felt down and sad whenever I remember that.

When I woke up this morning, I just knew I wanted to be nice and make her to just relax. I am not a morning person, in fact waking up early for trainings is always a hassle. Thankfully my teammates knew and once my alarm rings out, more than five of them are already bombarding my phone with calls and messages, making sure to at least answer one of them so they can know I was awake.

But when I woke up to make breakfast, I felt this joy and natural feeling like as if I’m meant to be doing it all the time. It wasn’t forced and I was so eager to make food for the whole family.

Alma woke up first and saw me in the kitchen. She gave me a hug and thanked me so much for it, and I honestly was so confused.

I mean did that mean their father didn’t cook breakfast for them?

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him since I had been with them. And although Gal mentioned sometime in the park, that he had travelled for a business trip, I have never seen them speak to him in my presence.

But then, I might be wrong and they might be talking to him maybe when I wasn’t around or something.

Who knows?

Although that was definitely something I wouldn’t do, especially if I had a wife as gorgeous as Gal and lovely kids like Maya, Dani and Alma. I would make sure to call them everyday, making sure to remind them how much I loved them and just to see how they doing.

I made sure that Maya and Dani didn’t go wake their mother because I knew how much she needed her sleep, especially due to how she cried in the night. Maybe I wanted to be the one to wake her up, but then again, I didn’t want to overstep or make her uncomfortable.

I heard her footsteps in the kitchen and how excited the kids were to see her. I turned around and when I saw her, I felt I would stop breathing because of how gorgeous she looked. I still didn’t know how she did it because it was just the morning, but still she looked so beautiful.

I also saw her checking me out and her eyes held a look that was similar to lust, but then I chose not to read much meaning to it.

I couldn’t help it, but I also checked her out. I mean how could I not? She wore a black hoodie with grey shorts and damn- her legs looked so good in it. I couldn’t help but have nasty thoughts, especially on how good her legs would be around my waist or spread out on the bed, with her dark-brown eyes staring lustfully at me.

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