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Today was the World Cup Final against USA and it was a very huge one for us all. It was our first appearance and we really wanted to make the best out of it. I was so nervous as it was my first ever world cup final for Y/C/N. I really had to put in my best in it.

Our coach came into the dressing room to give us a little pep talk, he encouraged us and told us to give our best without bothering about the quality of our opponent.

"Put in your best today. Make everyone including the fans that came to support you all proud. Also make yourselves proud.” He concluded.

I wasn’t playing in the starting eleven as usual. It had already become a usual thing for me that earned me the nickname “THE HALF CHANGER”.
This was because anytime I came in the second half, I made sure to always have a very huge impact on the game, either in scoring goals or making an assist.  I just hoped my fellow teammates were going to make the first half in our favour because USA wasn’t any pushover.

I wished my teammates the very best then went to the bench to sit down while we waited for the both teams to come out from the tunnel. As I saw the field, I felt the rush of adrenaline and excitement growing within me, I just knew that once I stepped onto that green grass, I must make a change that would be unforgettable. 

It didn’t take long for them to emerge from the tunnel looking all sharp and focused causing the fans to roar with chants and songs especially our own fans. If anything, I was so grateful that they all came for this because it just caused us to push harder to win this game. We knew it wasn’t going to be an easy game but we had to give in our very best.

When they started singing the National Anthem for my country, we all stood with pride and sang with all our hearts, ready to give our all into this game. We finished singing and soon it was time for the kickoff. USA were the first ones to kick the game off and soon the match started.

The game was a very intense and tight one because both teams had everything in shape, from the defense to the midfield then the attack. Even the goalkeepers weren’t slacking either. But we all knew that in a game like this, it was only two outcomes: one winner and one loser.

Until the 33rd minute, when there was a corner for the USA taken by the number 10, USA highest goal scorer and the only one in the tournament with the same number of goals as me, Angelina Smith. She drove the ball right into the middle of our defense creating confusion which caused Lauren, their youngest player on the squad to jump way higher than everyone, driving the ball into the back of the net creating USA first goal.

This was definitely not what we expecting. We had fought so hard to push them away from the defense line but I guess that wasn’t enough. Our players still didn’t relent but the USA defense was hard to penetrate through.

It was not long after, a bit to the end of first half, that they made it two. It was powerful shot driven from the end of the penalty box by their captain. As they celebrated, I could see that all our spirits have been dampened, even on the sidelines. Things weren’t looking good for us, making us to slightly lose hope.

Here is the first part of this story. Hope you stick around for more :) 

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