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She got in with me in the elevator while I pressed the penthouse button. I could smell her perfume and damn, she had a good choice because she was smelling so good.

Why not hug her to get the perfect scent?

Oh, shut up.

I then realized that she held couple of shopping bags in her hands.

Huh, what? How did I not see that earlier?

Because you were checking her out, dumbass.

“Uhmm….Y/N-” I called out to her.

“Yeah…” She looked at me with a smile as she answered.

She always smiled whenever she looked at me and not in a creepy way; more of an adorable way making her look so cute.

Answer her, woman!!!

Oh shit

“What are those that you are holding?” I eventually asked her.

She looked at her hands before answering, with a smile of course,

“Well, I can’t tell because it would ruin the surprise, won’t it?” she said back.

We were trying to surprise my kids not the other way around, what could she have possibly gotten?

“C’mon Y/N, we aren’t surprising me remember.” I said with a little pout on my face.

“No, don’t give me that face. It’s hard saying no to that.” She said as she turned away.

“And, I am surprising you too, so you have to wait. Just stop being cute and you would get your surprise later.” She added.

She called me cute.
I wasn’t really bothered about what she said all because she called me cute. I was blushing really hard that I also had to turn away so she won’t see it.

Gal, you are cute.

I can’t even remember when someone called me that; I felt giddy like a high school teenager.

Soon, the elevator dinged indicating that we had gotten to the penthouse. I looked over at Y/N and she seemed a bit nervous.

Wait, was she nervous to meet them?

“Hey Y/N, are you okay?” I asked her concernedly.

She gave me a nervous smile before she said,

“What if they aren’t excited to see me?”

Is she being serious? My kids adored her and here she was nervous about seeing them after how great she was with them the last time.

“Why would you say that? Of course, they would be happy to see you.” I said back to her.

Just as I am happy to see you.

But, I didn’t say that to her.

“It’s not that I’m scared or anything. It’s just everyone has moods, so I don’t want to overwhelm them or something. I just want them to be okay with me popping in unannounced.” She answered.

Who is this girl and where did she come from?

She even knows how kids behave and want to be sure she doesn’t overstep.

You sure it’s just a crush you have on her, Gal??

I softly smiled before I said to her,

“I can assure you that they would be excited to see you.”

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