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Agreeing to this movie night would remain the best decision I have ever made in a long time, because I just felt like I belonged to be with this family for as long as I can. It felt like a puzzle that just clicked right and they were all in it. And no, it’s not just because of the fast-growing feelings I was having for their mother, I also cherished all of them; Maya, Dani and especially Alma. I cannot believe how Alma had been around; when she gave me the hug after I arrived, I was shocked but at the same time, I was so happy. I never would have imagined that she would have wanted to hug me as tightly as she did.

But seeing Gal was what really made my heart full. I knew she was checking me out when she saw me in front of the elevator and the fact that she wasn’t bothered about I would react made me smirk abit. I wasn’t sure if she knew I had a crush on her or had feelings for her, but the fact that she might maybe find me attractive was enough to make me smile. It was just sad thinking that she might never like me the same way I like her, but I already knew what would happen if I had let the feelings grow.

She was a married woman which meant she was straight, a very famous person and a mother of three grown-up children. I, on the other hand, I was single, into girls more, not too famous because if you didn’t watch football, you might not know me and I didn’t have kids although I loved them so much and wish to have one someday.

We may have some things in common especially our height, I think I’m just an inch taller than her (still can’t believe it because I expected her to be taller) but well, I am slightly taller. We both loved Marvel and DC, loved wonder woman obviously (and Natasha Romanoff) but she doesn’t know that or else she would kill me, we weren’t much a tea person, preferred coffee more, loved reading as a form of relaxation.

But, all of these things doesn’t mean that we could be together or anything.

I sighed slightly just as I joined them in the sitting room because I had offered to serve the snacks, alongside Alma.

I looked at Gal and saw that she was already looking at us with a soft smile on her face, as she waited for us to sit down before she plays the movie.

I loved her smile so much.

I smiled back at her before I faced the two younger ones and goofily said,

“Snacks are served, my wonderful majesties.”

Maya and Dani both giggled because of what I said and then Maya said back,

“Very well, oh ye faithful servant. You may sit.”

We all laughed hard because no one definitely expected her to say that. Then, I decided to add a bit of drama and I bowed deeply to them. They laughed more including Gal, which made her look so beautiful and adorable.

I soon sat down beside Gal with a huge smile on my face, then I looked at her and saw again she was looking at me already. She lent towards me and whispered softly,

“Thank you.”

“And if you ever want to act, just give me a call.” She added jokingly.

“I would make sure to keep that in mind.”

We both shared a smile before we faced our attention to the movie.

Although, I had watched the movie, I was still content with rewatching it again and again, as long as it meant I watched it with them. Most of the scenes, I had already known the words that would be said, but I made sure not to react that way so I won’t spoil it for them.

I looked around and saw how concentrated the kids looked to the movie and it brought a smile on my face.

Soon after a while into the movie, I heard gasps from them and saw that they had gotten to the scene where Wonder Woman had to die to save some people.

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