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I had just woken up when I heard the captain of the flight already announcing the landing; meaning we were in New York already.

Did I really sleep for that long?

“Please, fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land at the NYC airport”. I overheard the captain saying.

I looked over at where the kids were seated; Maya and Daniella already had their seatbelts on while Alma also had hers on but she was overlooking the window, lost in thoughts.

I wonder what goes in her head.

I still don’t know why she can’t talk to me about what’s going on. I hope this vacation would do us a lot of good than bad, because I really want to know what has been happening in her life.

Now back to the present, I was in NYC already. I’m sure by now, the fans must have known somehow that I was around, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we meet some at the airport.

Would she come?

Take it one step at a time, Gal. I thought to myself.

What if she knows who I am and is a fan? or she doesn’t even who I am or even what I do or-

Okay, hold up. Why am I even thinking like this? I haven’t even seen her, yet I am already losing my mind over her.

Oh God, help me.

After ten minutes, the jet landed and soon after we all came down from it. Surprisingly, we didn’t see any fans there, so we headed straight to the hotel we were going to be staying at, Four Seasons Hotel. I just loved that hotel because of the amazing way they treat their customers and it’s also children friendly, so the kids love the hotel too.

Jaron still doesn’t know that we are in New York neither is he returning any of my calls, so I don’t know if he is still in Athens or he is back home. I hope he’s alright where he is.

Forty-five minutes, we had reached the hotel and you could tell from Maya and Daniella faces that they were so excited about the hotel choice I made.

“Mummy, please tell me we are taking the penthouse.” Daniella said.

I decided to tease them a bit and I said,

“Oh, my babies, someone else had already taken it before I called them. I’m so sorry but we are not staying there this time around.” I told them.

I was trying so hard to keep my laughter in because I was so close to letting it out especially when I saw how their faces already had sadness written all over it. Even Alma’s face had changed a little although it wasn’t noticeable, but it was obvious that she was also not happy about it.

I couldn’t hold it any longer and I erupted into an uncontrollable laughter, making them to look at me with weird faces. I knew how confused they were because they were so speechless without saying anything, just staring at me.

Eventually, I stopped laughing although I was still giggling before I said to them,

“You guys needed to see you faces right now. It felt like you all wanted to cry.”

“Mom!!!! Why would you tease us like that?” Maya said to me.

Daniella and Alma surprisingly both just heaved a big sigh of relief which made me to smile.

I didn’t know that Alma would be bothered if that happened. That’s new.

“Of course, I wouldn’t do that. The penthouse is definitely ours, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“Besides, it was so much fun teasing you guys. Your faces were so cute.” I added.

By the time we were ready to head into the hotel, our security was at the entrance of the hotel waiting for us to go in. I’m still surprised that fans haven’t known that I’m in NYC already, which was so weird. Normally, I can’t drive in peace because the fans won’t let us pass without asking for an autograph or a picture.

But I’m happy they aren’t here or anywhere around especially the paps, they wouldn’t let me rest and that’s the main reason I’m on a vacation here. Don’t get me wrong, I love my fans but sometimes they can be a bit too much; so, I need my privacy at times.

Although, my coming to NYC was really a quiet one, so I kinda was expecting that it would take sometime before the fans knew I was in town. It is just a matter of time that they figure it out, so I want to enjoy my peace of mind before they knew.

“Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel, Mrs. Gadot. Steve would take you and the children to your penthouse, it’s all set and ready for you.” The manager said as he approached me.

“Ma’am, please follow me.” the said Steve said to me as he was directing us to elevator.

Not long after, we got to the penthouse. As soon I opened the door, the look of awe were all over the faces of everyone including Alma. I knew they were going to be surprised, I made sure that it was well-furnished and decorated to the very best so that they could feel comfortable in it, especially Alma.

“Wow!! Mom, this is so beautiful.” Maya said.

Daniella was still in shock while Alma was already looking around. Then I heard Alma say,

“I’m taking the last room with the gray door. See you at dinner.” She finished before leaving.

I knew the room she was talking about. The room was so far apart from others, but lucky for her, I made sure it was decorated well enough to her taste.

Daniella was still in shock but she came to me and gave me a hug. I knew she was so overwhelmed with emotions and anytime that happens, she always needs a very tight hug; so, I gave that to her.

“Thank you, Mom. You are the best.” She said as she hugged me.

I was filled with so much love and adoration while I hugged her.

I only wish that I could hug Alma like that.

I took them to their bedroom and before I left, they had already slept.

I didn’t know they were so tired.

I went to my own bedroom, freshened up and decided to take a glass of wine before sleeping. As I was overlooking the whole view of NYC, I had a lot of thoughts in my head.

How do I feel about her?

How am I going to react if I ever see her?

What of Jaron? What exactly was going on with him?

Alma, what’s wrong with her really?



New update. Our characters are about to meet. What would possibly happen afterwards? >>>

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