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Going home was like a trance to me, like my head was all over the place. I couldn’t stop thinking about her; like how her face lit up in happiness when the final whistle was blown or when she had her serious face on when she first came in to play, how tears of joy just unconsciously dropped from her eyes when she knew that they had won, how she treated the fans and how she was all smiley with all of them, how beautiful her smile was, how her face scrunches up with frustration when things go sideways making her look all cute, how-

Okay Gal stop. First, you’re married, two, you don’t even know this girl; like you guys may never even meet.

Or should I text her on IG? Just to say congratulations or-

Wait what?!! What am I thinking? That would be so weird

Arghhhhhh! What is wrong with me?

Why am I thinking about her like this? This has never happened to me before, so why was I thinking about her this way? Or is it because I need a best friend?

But I don’t want her to be just my best friend. I want-

Okay I need to stop right now. I’m a wife to a successful man and a mother to three kids, I can’t be having thoughts like that about a girl who is way too young for me. She might just be few years older than Alma, probably three or four years older.

Maybe the kids would like her…

Why did I think like that? I can’t divorce Jaron either, he has been nothing but a good and supportive husband.

It’s probably because I haven’t seen him in a while; I must be missing him that’s why.

With that last thought, I decided to hurry back home since it’s been close to two weeks since I last saw my family.

Not less than forty-five minutes, I got home. As I unlocked the door, I realized how quiet the house was.

“Hello!! I’m home.” I said.

Where is everybody?

I decided to check upstairs for the kids in their rooms. It was weekend so they obviously didn’t have school and they never said that they had plans when I spoke to them earlier in the morning. I went to Maya’s room first and I saw her cuddled up with Daniella on the bed with Maya’s laptop on playing a cartoon.

Aww! They look so adorable.

The bond Maya and Daniella share never ceases to amaze me. They are so protective of each other and very supportive of themselves. I couldn’t help but take a picture of the together; seems like I have gotten a new lockscreen wallpaper.

Who knows if she loves children?

Really Gal? So much for not thinking about her…

I sighed due to my thoughts as I left the room. Then I got Alma’s room that had a huge poster o n it that says ‘BACK OFF’. She has had that on her bedroom door ever since she turned 16; she became so closed off and rarely talks to anyone at home. I have also never seen her bring home friends from college or anything. After high school, a lot changed in her and I still don’t know what exactly went wrong. I tried talking to her, getting close to her but she totally closed off to everyone. I mean while she was younger, we were so close that even Jaron was so jealous of our bond; he always teased us both about it. But, in her last year in high school, everything just changed; first our talks became less frequent, then our regular outings reduced until eventually it stopped, she just stopped relating to anyone. I don’t know what to do most times especially when I knew how she was growing up.

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