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I ran to my room before crumbling down in tears. I had prayed so hard for those words to come out of Alma’s mouth and now that it did, I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that. I knew that she loved me, but it’s been so long since I last heard her say it to me.

How could just one girl cause so much changes in just one day?

I soon freshened up fast because the girls would here very soon, before heading back to the living room. I had barely sat down when I heard the doorbell ring.

Wow that was fast. Well, here goes nothing.

I opened the door while I put my finger on my lips telling them to be quiet as they entered. Once they did, they both squished me with hugs and kisses on my both cheeks.

That’s one thing I love about them, they knew when I wanted to talk about anything, I was always so nervous and stressed about it; so, they always made sure to give me as much hugs as possible before I talk.

I took them to sit down while they waited for me to speak. I was so anxious to even talk, so I went to get our favorite wine just to calm my nerves. They haven’t said anything yet because they knew my head was filled with so much thoughts, so they watched me as I poured out the wine into glasses for them.

I drank my own in one gulp before I spoke and said,

“I met someone.”

If it wasn’t a serious matter, I would have busted out in laughter because their faces were so hilarious, both filled with surprise and shock.

I then told them everything; how I met Y/N, how she is, how she loves the kids. I even told them how she was with Alma and their faces again had shock written all over. They knew how I was always stressed about Alma, how she drifted apart from everyone, so I wouldn’t blame them for how surprised they seemed when I talked about it. When I told them about the ‘I love you’ she said to me, I’m sure they almost wanted to pass out because of how excited they were.

I then finished talking while I waited for them to talk. I really hoped they wouldn’t judge me.

“Well, for starters, I am so pained that you got to meet her first.” Scar said.

“Owww!! What was that for?” Scar pouted as Flo had hit her head.

“Focus. You would still meet her.” Flo said back.

Scar crossed her arms, pouting like a kid while she was mumbling under her breath. I smiled a bit at their interaction while I watched as Flo wanted to speak.

“She’s good for you. And from what you are saying, she’s good for the kids. I can’t remember the last time you spoke so highly of someone like this, that indicates that it means something.” Flo said.

“Divorce Jaron and build something with her.” Scar said.

Wait what?

“Owwwww!!! Can you stop assaulting me?” Scar said to Flo again as the latter hit her again.

“Then stop saying nonsense.” Flo added back.

“How is that nonsense? I am being serious. When was the last time you saw Gal this happy? She has this glow as she’s talking about this girl. This girl has done in one day what her ‘so-called’ husband hasn’t done in how many years now. This husband we are even talking about hasn’t even spoken or even texted to her all in the name of ‘business trip’. What sort of husband is that?”

“Honestly, Jaron has changed so much over the years and I really am surprised G is still with him.” Scar concluded.

There was a bit of silence because of what she had said. Not because she was wrong, but everything she had said was so right. Even Flo knew she was right; this was exactly what I meant when I spoke about Scar’s bluntness.

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