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Today was the football awards night that was taking place right here in the States, precisely New York and I heard that Y/N was going to be there. Apparently, she was nominated for the best female football player category which I had with no doubts I knew she was going to win it.

I wonder what she’s wearing. She might maybe on a dress or even a suit which would-

Okay, that’s enough Gal.

I definitely haven’t succeeded in getting her out of my mind, she is always what I think about almost all the time. From what her favorite meal would be, to her favorite thing to do when she was stressed or what type of music she listens to, even thought about of the genre of movies she watches. I just wanted to know everything about her.  

 And Jaron is yet to come back from his business meeting in Athens neither has he called to say when he would be back. I just didn’t understand him and his behavior recently, he has been acting strange lately but maybe it’s work related.

Now back to my crush, yes you heard me, I already admitted to myself that I had a bit of attraction to her. I contemplated so many times to text her on IG, but I didn’t know exactly what to say to her; let’s not forget that I was still married to Jaron although, I’m already second guessing the marriage. I had already stalked her IG page, so I knew she had underwent a knee surgery which I was so happy that it was successful, scrolling through her pictures with another account; she was beautiful though she had never worn a dress, she was so beautiful.

I wish-

Wait, what am I wishing for exactly?

Arghhhhh!!! Now I really want to meet her. Or should I go to New York?

No that would weird. I don’t even know if she would know me.

Sigh. I still don’t know why I was thinking about his.

Because you like her, idiot.

But I can’t like her. I’m a married woman and a mother of three, without forgetting how famous I was in the world. The hate that I might get if we get together or what if the kids don’t like her; I still don’t know what my sexuality whether I was bisexual or a lesbian or maybe I just liked her. It was just confusing.

Anyway, I decided to watch the awards, don’t bother asking why; I really wanted to see her outfit. Twenty minutes into watching, I saw her.

Oh my- she was handsome!!!

Wait whatttt!!! She looked so beautiful and handsome at the same time. Her outfit just looked so amazing on her, the red really complimented her skin color. Although it seems like that she had a date with her, they looked good together though.

Then why was I wishing that it was me that went with her…Was I jeal-

Oh no. I can’t be, we aren’t even together. Then why was I acting like we were?

I really was losing my mind over this girl.

Soon it was time for her category award and I really had my fingers crossed; I wanted her to win.

I then heard the announcer say,

And this year Best UEFA female football player goes to- Y/N Y/L/N!!!” he screamed to the microphone.

Oh my God!!! She won!

I was so happy for her. Still, I wish I was there to celebrate with her; I just wanted to be close to her. I really wanted to understand what I was feeling for her at this point. I haven’t even seen her physically yet I was having a different feeling whenever I see her picture.

I hadn’t realized that Daniella was in the sitting room with me, until she spoke,

“Mom, what are you watching?” she asked.

“Oh my- Darling, you scared me. Why are you still up?” I asked her back.

“It’s 11pm, way past your bedtime.” I added.

“I came to drink water, then I realized that there were sounds coming from the sitting room. Thought it was Dad.” She said as her face changed a bit.

I knew the kids missed their father but they just chose not to say anything concerning it. Although I am not sure Alma misses her father but still they needed him around

I wonder if Alma would get close to Y/N or she-

“Mom!! Are you even listening to me?” Daniella tapped me as she asked.

No darling, I’m thinking of a certain girl that’s making your mom lose her mind.

But instead I said to her,

“Listen baby, your father has really been busy with work; that’s why he can’t come home anytime soon. But trust me, he would be home soon.” I assured her.

She then sat down with me on the couch while I watched as Y/N went to collect her award.

She was so pretty.

“Mom, who is she? She is so pretty.” Daniella told me while facing the television.

Oh, I know darling .

“She’s a footballer. She is been awarded because of how good she is.” I answered back.

And I really liked her.

But obviously I couldn’t add that. I just smiled back at her before facing the TV.

“Can we meet her, Mom?” my daughter asked me. I was so shocked that she asked that so I looked at her before asking her back,

“And why do you want to meet her?”

“Well because she’s pretty and seems like she’s cool. So yeah, I want to meet her.” She said while giggling.

“You know, she’s in New York right now as we speak.” I smiled while I told her.

She looked so surprised when I said that before raising eyebrows as if asking really, then I nodded to her. Her eyes lit up with glee because of that before she literally screamed down to my ears telling me we need to meet her.

“Mom!! Mom!!!! We need to meet her for real.”

“I can’t promise you anything but I would try my best to reach out to her.” I told her.

“Thank you so much, Mom!! You’re the best.” She while hugging me.

“And goodnight, Mom.”

She kissed my cheeks before heading to bed.

Oh Daniella what are you getting me into.








Our characters are about to meet. What would happen? Don’t forget to vote and comment>>>

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