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The next day,

I woke up later than usual probably due to how exhausted I was from yesterday. I checked my phone and saw that it 11:34am, with two missed facetime calls from Ethan.

I’m sure he had gotten there. I would probably call him later.

I then stood up from the bed to freshen up and see maybe I would try to get some groceries. Hopefully this time, there would be no famous celebrity that would cause an uproar. But really, remembering yesterday’s incidents, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Do you need a ride?”

Immediately I said that, Maya and Daniella’s faces both lit up with excitement, all jumping and already screaming,


But I then looked at their mom, who had the relief on her face but at the same time, she was still not sure exactly on what to do.

“I can drop you guys off while your security would take back your car. Nothing else, I promise.” I said to try to reassure her.

“Mom, please. Let Y/N take us back, pretty please.” Maya said.

They both then gave their mom pouty and adorable looking faces that it was difficult to resist them.

“Okay fine she can.” Gal finally said.

They all screamed out of excitement while Gal looked at them with a smile on her face. I also would have screamed out of joy but I held my excitement and just decided to just smile.

Then I went to make sure that the coast was clear before letting them come out. Thankfully, my car wasn’t far from the backdoor, so I went to get the car, drove it to where they stood and then we left.

I then found out from the girls how they developed interest in me the first time, Daniella saw me from the tv on the awards night, then her telling Maya about it, them stalking my IG page, coming to NYC mainly because they wanted to meet me; they practically told me everything. How school was for them, what they wanted to be in future, the fact they had another older sister at home and all; while in turn, they also asked me a lot about myself from my football career to my personal life.

They even asked where I stayed because I told them it wasn’t too far from the store, they really wanted to come over but I politely declined, letting them know probably some other time, besides, I didn’t how their mom would react.

And she was barely saying anything, just watching us how we were having one conversation to another. I really couldn’t blame her, she was so stressed already; from meeting loads of fans that she wasn’t ready for to almost not finding her daughter, so I understood how she was feeling.

Not up to 45 minutes from leaving the store, I got to the hotel that they were staying. I escorted them inside the hotel, the hotel was really amazing looking by the way, made sure that they were safe and okay before I wanted to take my leave.

The two girls hugged me so tightly, refusing to let me go just like that. They also wanted to get my number but Maya’s phone was still dead and I wasn’t with my phone neither was Daniella, and I couldn’t obviously ask from their mother. So, I just told them to send me a request on IG when they get the chance and I would definitely give them.

Yayyy!!! Thank you so much Y/N.” Daniella said smiling.

They then said their final goodbyes before they left for their rooms. I was then alone with Gal, who had  barely said anything since, but she was staring at me.

“Okay did I do something wrong?” I thought.

After we hadn't said anything to each other after two minutes, I then decided to go. As I headed for the elevator to go back downstairs, I heard her softly say,

“Thank you.”

I turned back and saw that she was still staring but she had the appreciative look on her face.

“You are most welcome.” I smiled to her as I spoke

“And you know, you can call me Y/N.” I added as I gave her a smile wink.

She giggled a little, which was the most adorable thing that I have ever heard, before she answered back with a little smile,

“And you can call Gal.”

“I won’t forget that.” I replied back.

With that, I turned and entered the elevator. She was still standing there with a smile on her face when I turned back, so I said to her,

“Take a full glass of warm milk to strengthen you and just have at least an hour of sleep. You really need it.”

That was the last thing I said to her before the elevator doors closed.

End of flashback

I still can’t stop thinking about her; her eyes, her face, her lips, her smile, how tall she is, how soft her hair looks, just everything about her. Hopefully, I get to know more about her outside from what is on the internet.

I had barely dressed up when I heard my doorbell ring.

Who could that be?

Or did I order something? I-

I decided to go check who it was at the door. Once I got to door and opened it, I didn’t see anyone at the door.

What the-

I was so confused until I looked down to the floor and saw a couple of shopping bags.

Okay, what’s this?

I picked them up, looked around before closing my door. I know I didn’t get this myself, so someone must have gotten for me.

There was a note in one of the bags for me to read. It said,

‘We can’t offer enough gratitude to what you did for us yesterday. We are beyond grateful, so please accept this as a little token of saying thank you to you for what you did. Before you ask, your grocery list fell out probably from your pocket while you were assisting us, so it was just that and a few things that are in the bags.
Thank you once again.'


GG. Hmm, very cute.

I then checked the bags and true to her words, everything I wanted to get were all there added with extra things like she really said. I definitely didn’t see this coming at all, it’s still much of a surprise to me.

Now, how do I say thank you back?

Three updates in a row>>>😉😌
They have finally met. Yayyyyy!!! So, what do you think of their first encounter? 😊hehe>>>


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