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What’s wrong with me?

I thought as I was tossing all around the bed over the night. I couldn’t sleep because my thoughts were really racing in my head. I still don’t know why I got those things for her; I mean I had to, right?

Or was it too much? What if she thinks I’m weird? I mean we just met and I am already getting her gifts.

They are not gifts, Gal; you just helped her do her groceries.

That’s what I did, right?

Urghhhh, my head hurts from too much thinking.

I didn’t even know whether I should reach out to her, maybe to at least ask her if she likes them or-

Okay, stop right there Gal. She should be the one to reach out I think-

I was really confused and I have never felt like this because of anyone, not even while I was dating Jaron.

Speaking of which, I haven’t heard from him since he left. Was he really that busy that he barely called or even texted? It’s almost a month since we last heard from him and I know both Maya and Daniella miss their father; I don’t think I can say the same about Alma.

Well, here goes nothing.

I thought as I reached for my phone on my nightstand to see if I can get across to him. I dialed his number, it rang for a while before it went to voicemail.

What the-

This has been the same thing that has being happening since he left, his line doesn’t go through, either saying switched off, not available or it goes to voicemail. I have dropped so many messages both voicemails and text messages, but he hasn’t responded to any of them.

I tried again and I still got the same thing back, so I decided to drop a voicemail message; hopefully he listens to it this time.

“Hey Jaron. Just me checking again on you, you have barely reached out to us, I and the kids. We are all worried about you and we just want to be sure that you are okay wherever you are. And please let us know when you would get back; the kids miss you and- I miss you too. Please get back to us while you can.”

I sent that to him and laid back on the bed to think more.

Did I really miss him? Or was it because I missed attention from him? Do I even still love him or-

Okay, Gal stop thinking that way.

But I can’t stop thinking about her. I wasn’t expecting her to be so beautiful as she was when I saw her; her black colored eyes that held so much intensity as she stared at me but still it had its softness swimming in them, I could get lost while staring at her eyes. I also caught her so many times staring at me like I was the most important person in this world; I mean not that I was complaining either.

Wait what- Really, Gal?

I can't remember when last  Jaron had ever looked at me with so much- adoration maybe or even with so much softness like she did.

Asides her eyes, her well-structured face with the perfect jawline, a cute nose, her hair that I really wanted to bask in its scent and her luscious looking lips that looked so kissable and extremely soft; everything about her was just perfect.

I definitely can’t forget how strong her hands looked, with it's veins and how they were a bit muscular due to the football she plays; and although I’m slightly taller than her, she seemed more stronger than me.

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