Chapter 113: Naked and Not Afraid (2)

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"Always trying to make myself seem strong... So, I locked my own heart in a suit of armor."

- Erza Scarlet, (Fairy Tail)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"This place is bigger than I initially thought," I muttered to myself as my captors brought me to what looked like the training grounds inside the palace itself. 

Truthfully, I hadn't initially expected a very grand palace since everything on this island was supposed to be made by women (I am not being sexist, just stating the fact that women normally don't do construction work, at least according to the society of my previous world), but after seeing the central palace, I had to admit that I was impressed.

The Palace of the Amazons was quite big and was more inclined to a Roman design than Greek. It seemed to be constructed primarily with defensive and military strategies in mind because the palace was perfectly positioned at the center of the island. So much so that the palace could defend itself and hold its own in times of war or rebellion, even if it was to be besieged from all directions simultaneously.

"How many years did it take you all to construct this palace? It is massive."

"This place? Oh, we didn't make it ourselves. It was a gift from Hera after Mother did an errand for her. But thank you for the compliment," Diana answered with a pleased smile, her mood suddenly becoming a lot better than it was a second before.

'Just as I thought.' I smiled at her answer, knowing that I was absolutely right about construction not being the excelling point for women.

"We are here." One of the Amazons declared as we finally reached a beautiful old temple near the royal training grounds. About two dozen Amazons wearing special silver armor were guarding the entrance to the temple, their eyes watching out like hawks in search of any possible danger.

"We want an audience with Queen Hippolyta, Philippus. We have arrested an intruder, a man who was somehow able to step inside Themyscira's borders despite the new magical barrier." The Amazon whom I had previously hit, approached a tall woman who looked like the leader of the group and spoke in a respectful tone before giving me a dirty glare.

The royal guard she was referring to as Philippus was a woman of African heritage and was easily one of the tallest and most well-built women I had ever seen. Hearing about a man on the island, she only appeared to be slightly surprised but the very next second she completely recovered from her minor shock and hastily went inside the fountain to fetch her Queen.

"Remember Bruce, do not insult my mother, no matter what. She is always fair in her judgments, but she doesn't like men very much, and she sometimes gets a little too emotional when she has to make decisions concerning me. So, let me try to explain the misunderstanding to her. There is a much higher chance that she will believe my words than yours." Diana whispered to me in warning, earning a wordless nod from me.

Despite not knowing me at all, she seemed worried. In her mind, she probably didn't want an innocent person to die just because of some misunderstanding. I guess this version of her despite being a warrior was kind in nature, something I was very happy to know since I had heard about certain cruel and war-loving versions of Wonder Woman from one of my friends in my previous life who was a massive simp for the lasso-wielding DC babe.

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