Chapter 63: A Dangerous Proposition

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"If we were normal, we might not be alive today. And that, my friend, is what gives us the edge we need."

- Shishio Makoto, (Rurouni Kenshin)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"I admit I did not expect your father to attempt something like taking over my body." I was lying, I completely expected something like that from him although the forcibly making me a servant or a so-called 'shade' was a surprise. "But, I don't understand why 'you' are telling me this. Did you suddenly get a flash of conscience in you or maybe did you start believing in the concept of karma?" I joked.

Talia Al Ghul was as dangerous as her father, actually, in some areas, she was even more dangerous. She could do anything to get what she wanted and was an extreme expert in manipulation, even manipulating the original Batman to a certain extent. She had inherited her manipulation and leadership skills from her father but by combining them with her womanly charms, she could use them much better than the centuries-old old man.

"No, I don't hate what I do. I am very proud of what I am capable of and of the skills I possess... But my skillset isn't the most important thing in my current life, my family is..., my sister is. And from what I have seen till now, it looks like my sister is infatuated with you, she thinks that she is in love.

She doesn't seem to remember that us... demons can't love. That's why we are what we are, we do what we do. But, one thing I do know is that if my father... the Demon's Head tries to enslave you or take over your body, she will most definitely try to save you, something that will cosh Nyssa her life. Because my father isn't known for being forgiving, even if it is to his own daughters. I don't want to see my sister burning on a stake on grounds of betrayal." Talia completed as she coldly looked at my face, driving home the point that whatever she was telling me was only to help her sister and not to help me.

"I see. So I guess you want me to run away from here in the hopes that Nyssa won't have to do something stupid to save me, thus in return saving her from your father's possible wrath?"

"I am glad we are on the same page." She shrugged.

I don't know if she was lying or not since regretfully I never learned any lie detection skills but judging from her body language, her words most probably seemed genuine. So, I chose to believe her for now even though she could have easily faked her emotions and body language with her years of training.

But still, I should try to pick a few of those useful skills like lock picking and lie detection or maybe even knitting. They could prove pretty useful for me down the line by increasing my versatility. Who knows when you have to knit a beautiful sweater for an alien lord to save the day?

"It sounds like a good plan but sadly it's half-baked and has a huge chance of failing. You see your father isn't just some local warlord, he is an extremely long-lived assassin who runs an international secret organization, an organization that spans the entire globe through which he can find me anywhere I go anytime he wants. So, he will find me no matter how far I run away from here. Now, I know that there is quite a big chance that you already thought about that but just didn't care and wanted me to run anyway without taking your sister so that she could continue to live her 'normal' life here. But, let's face it, even if I do not take her with me, she will probably go into depression and might even kill herself or maybe even revolt against your father. Who knows?" I bluffed shamelessly.

I knew that Nyssa liked me but not enough to kill herself over me and I am also pretty sure that she would not be stupid enough to rebel against her father. She could be sad over me leaving but she wouldn't become batshit crazy. No, the most probable thing that would happen was that she would try to find me herself a few years later and kill me due to some comic-book plot misunderstanding, thinking that I abandoned her and left her to fend for herself or something along those lines. Hell, maybe even her sister or father could be the ones to instigate her against me. I didn't want any of that stupid bullshit plot to happen here.

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