Chapter 68: Dance of the Fireflies

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"People do what is in their best interest, regardless of who gets hurt. Is it evil to take what one wants, to satisfy hunger even if doing so will cause another suffering? What some would call evil, I believe to be an
appropriate response to a harsh and unfair world."

- Klaus Mikaelson, (The Originals)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Nyssa, we are slowly being encircled. If this continues, we won't be able to fight for much longer. Maybe, it is time for us to retreat. Some have chosen to fight for us, so we can still make it if we just have them cover for us..." Talia started hopefully as she fought three different assassins all at once, still not being at a disadvantage for even the slightest bit.

"NO. Bruce is still in there fighting, we can't abandon him..., at least I won't. You however are free to leave any time you want 'sister'. After all, I doubt that you trust or even trust me enough to stick along. Perhaps I am just a liability to you." Nyssa harrumphed while slitting the throat of an assassin who had tried to kick her in the face.

"You are still angry at me? I didn't tell you because I thought it would be easier for you to not know that your own sister and boyfriend were plotting to kill your father to take over all his wealth and assets. But yeah sure, I would definitely include you the next time we plan something like this. Just stop making me miserable with that cold shoulder of yours..., little sis." Talia said as she struggled to repel the attacks of five assassins who had attacked her together.

Even though the two sisters had been quite successful in evading and countering all the assassins trying to kill them, things weren't looking up for them at all. Instead, they were constantly being pushed back by the attacking forces as more and more brainwashed ninjas joined the tide against them.

"Look out," Talia yelled as she quickly rushed towards her little sister and hacked away at the assassin who was about to literally backstab her with a massive hunting dagger. "Keep your eyes open. There are too many of them." She said with concern as her mind began to run at full capacity on how to escape with her sister alive from what was basically a losing battle.

After planning this very rebellion with Bruce for the last few years, Talia had begun to consider him as a friend, someone who was quite similar to herself, a kindred soul whose ambitions reached the sky just like her. Normally, he had the perfect traits she desired in a partner for herself but unfortunately, he was already taken, and that too by her own sister, so even though she regularly liked to tease and flirt with him, trying to make him blush, she still stayed within her own self-defined limits.

But all this didn't change the fact that she loved herself and her own sister much more than a boy she had met a few years ago, someone who might have just been using both sisters to take over their father's shadow empire. That's why Talia had always planned to seize any chance she got and become the next leader of the League of Assassins after her father's defeat before Bruce could even try it but unfortunately, like all things in the world, her plans had gone completely awry.

Just when Talia was weighing her options and considering knocking Nyssa out to forcibly carry her away to safety, a heavy tap on her shoulder by her little sister finally broke her out of her thoughts.

"We have new guests climbing from the east side of the mountain... Wait, those assassins... they are Cain's, aren't they?" Nyssa sounded surprised with a hint of worry audible in her voice.

"... What the hell are Cain's forces doing here? Did Father call them for backup after he realized our plan? Shit, even escaping is going to be much harder than I thought. Come on Nyssa, we don't have much time. We need to go, NOW." Talia exclaimed with worry as she tried to drag her sister away from the battleground while killing anyone who blocked her path.

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