Chapter 13: The Bat-list

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The past is the past. We cannot indulge ourselves in memories and destroy the present.



(A/N: Before you read this chapter, I just want to say that this one might be a little inconsistent with one of the previous chapters and some stuff might have been repeated from one of the chapters before. It was not because of lazy writing or because I was trying to fill up words but simply because I wrote this chapter the day my semester exams ended about a month after writing the last chapter. So I was not in the flow at that time... Don't judge me. )


It took Cortana about 3 days to analyze almost all essential data to train itself, like the meaning of different platonic concepts, emotions, their importance, and everything else. It even chose its own gender after learning about its concept. It chose to identify itself as a 'she' simply because Cortana seemed to her to be a feminine name.

She wasn't at her full potential yet due to the lack of data on the internet but the amount of information and data available was still enough to make her a hundred times better than any other artificial intelligence ever developed on Bruce's previous world.

It could be said that Cortana right now was at the childhood stage of what she could truly be one day. She had even simulated an image of herself of what she currently perceived herself to be as a young girl on the computer screen to make it easy and more comfortable for Bruce and the others to communicate with her.

Bruce had programmed her to be a very polite, honest, and caring person with a good sense of humor and she was exactly that although the last trait would probably need time to develop since her current humor only included bad dad jokes which only Alfred found funny.

Selina was also extremely happy with Cortana as she regarded the AI as her new best girlfriend since both of them liked the same flavor of ice cream which was chocolate. Of course, Bruce didn't remind Selina that Cortana had never even eaten ice cream and her answer was just a way for the AI to appear more polite and humane to her.

Bruce was quite happy with his new creation right now. Truthfully, even he didn't completely understand how exactly he had created Cortana. He had just concentrated on his 'ability' to show him how to make an AI that was as good if not better than most AIs he had seen in fiction including Ultron and Jarvis from Marvel, Cortana from Halo, Red Queen from Resident Evil, and even the AI from that movie Eagle Eye.

His Cortana was the combination of all of them, although much much different from them as he was sure that she would never betray him or go against him later because that was the core of what he had wanted in his AI and what he had willed his ability to base Cortana on. Her entire existence and purpose was to serve, help and protect Bruce. Everything else came later.

Bruce's life was going pretty well after his transmigration. But just when he thought that almost everything was going his way, Murphy's law hit him like a speeding bullet train.

The one thing that he dreaded, the one place that he had sworn never to visit again in his life was calling him back and he had no way to defend himself. His easy life was on the verge of being ruined.

"Alfred, I am not going back there. You might as well send me there in a body bag than expect me to go there on my own. I am never going to go back to that hell." Bruce said gulping as he remembered his last experience in that place.

"Young master Bruce, please stop referring to your school as hell. And as I said before, you have to go to school to receive your education. You can't just sit at home all day like some spoiled child. You and Selina are both going there and I want no more arguments." Alfred said strictly.

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