Chapter 50: Mind over Matter

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"Who decides limits? And based on what? You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder. Is that really the limit of your strength? Could the you of tomorrow beat you today? Instead of giving in, move forward."

– Saitama, (One Punch Man)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

It's official, I am one of the best goddamn actors on the entire fudging planet. I think I was a better Tony Stark than even Robert Downey Jr. himself, although that might be pushing it a little bit too much.

I even fully expected that I would definitely get found out but it seemed I was either too good an actor or Ra's Al Ghul had just grown too old to tell I was acting. Guess reading all those books on acting and body language finally paid off, huh? I am glad my ability lets me quickly learn skills like these as well as long as I have gained enough knowledge about them.

Now, one might ask why was I acting like a spoiled billionaire child who was definitely smart and determined but was too arrogant for his own good. Simple, it's because I wanted to give Ra's Al Ghul as much false data about myself as I could to prevent him or anyone else from creating an accurate psyche profile on me so that they would not be able to use it against me later.

Because let's face it, mind games are a thing, especially in a twisted universe like DC, and just because I was a transmigrator didn't mean I was above them. I am as much emotional as any other normal human being, maybe with a little bit more control over my emotions than the average but that didn't mean I was immune to anyone's mind games, at least not yet. But I was definitely working towards that.

But on the brighter side, I am now positive that I can act as a spoiled billionaire playboy if I ever need to. The original Bruce Wayne always did exactly that to hide his Batman counterpart better and make sure that people could never link his public face to his secret vigilante persona.

Anyway, that's too much about my brilliant acting skills. Now, let's come back to the actual topic everyone is interested in. How does the Hidden City of the League of Assassins look? Well, not that impressive truthfully. I have only had the opportunity to look at the... town once, that was when I landed in front of it in style but the design of the small city in itself completely failed to impress me.

I mean the town was brilliant from a strategic point of view but from the point of architecture, it was as 'ordinary' as any small mountain town. It could have been better and more attractive if enough money was spent on it but unfortunately for Ra's Al Ghul, he neither had access to the absurd amount of money that was needed to modernize an entire town (since not everyone was me, aka, Bruce Wayne) nor did he have any need for it.

In fact, I even had to spend my entire first night here sleeping on a mattress-less bed which was uncomfortable as hell. But, that might just be them trying to humble me instead of actual poverty since I didn't think they were poor enough to not even be able to afford a single mattress.

Also, I hadn't been given a tour of the city yet. In fact, I had more or less been imprisoned in a little room they had allocated me, and the worst thing was that they didn't even give me the wifi password since apparently, they hadn't gotten a wifi yet. I mean, just imagine what type of animals they truly are.

I was extremely lucky that I had decided against not bringing some of my less obvious but useful gadgets with me. My smart watch which was actually smart with Cortana inside connected me with the local satellites the moment I landed here, enabling me to use the entire country's... 2g networks since it still hadn't started rolling out 3g yet.

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