Chapter 72: Furry Vigilantes

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"There is not a monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion."

- Master Splinter, (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)


(Previous Chapter Note: Okay, some of you complained about a couple of things in the last chapter, mostly about the ill effects of the NZT-48 and the unneeded stupidity that resulted from it. I think it was my fault that I couldn't explain it completely through my writing. So, here's another try from me.

NZT might be an OP drug since it increases your intelligence by a huge margin by forcing the brain to operate at its maximum capacity but it is also equally dangerous not only because of its negative effects on one's health which Bruce took care of using the vaccine but because of how it suppresses the empathetic side of the brain, only giving way for the cold logical side of the user to reign supreme. It makes the user a fearless and mostly emotionless person who operates through cold hard logic.

Bruce had an idea about this but didn't know just how much this apathy would affect him and that was why he didn't want to use it despite having perfected the vaccine. The NZT high Bruce was absolutely sure he would win. That was why he took the risk because it wasn't a risk at all for him, it was a known result. Even in the 'Limitless' movie and the show, the drug almost gives birth to a separate personality of its users due to the absence of empathy in them after taking it, a personality that is driven purely by greed and an ambition to grow.

After its effects wore off, Bruce got back his emotions along with his fear of death while losing part of his increased intelligence along with the logical reasoning that forced him to do the ritual under NZT's effects. To the regular him, it was an unneeded risk, but that doesn't change that this is going to help him, in the long run, a LOT, something that his smarter self, realized.)


<[A certain sewer of Gotham]>

<(Omniscient POV) {Animal Dialect}>

"Hey Ace, don't you think that we have destroyed enough of the Wiggles gang's hideouts? They have even retreated from the area where our mansion is located. I think we can let them go this time. At this rate, we will be destroying the entire rat population of the city if we continue our raids. I have heard some humans on TV say that destroying any one animal species in a particular area sometimes causes disbalance in the biod... umm, you know nature." Whiskers, the cute orange cat expressed his worry as he and Ace continued to slowly walk through the sewer.

"Plus, it stinks too much

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"Plus, it stinks too much. And the dirty water might ruin my nails and fur as well. Selina spent a lot of money to get them all shiny just last week, she would be angry if I suddenly showed up with sewage dirt all over me." The cat further expressed his worry in his cute little voice as he scrunched up his tiny nose in an attempt to block the smell while making sure not to get his fur dirty in the sewage water while walking.

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