Chapter 56: A Pivotal Decision: Immortality or Blades?

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"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am the truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"



<Bruce Wayne POV>

"So may I ask where we are going and why I am not training with Nyssa like usual today?" I asked as I followed after Ducra deeper into the cave wondering where exactly we were going.

"She needs more time to master her powers and her chi. But you don't have the same privilege that she has. For you, it's either do or die. And that's why I am 'upping the ante' in your training so to speak. The speed at which you are improving won't be enough. You need to be able to do more than just jump high and punch hard. That's why we are going into the real Chamber of All." She revealed with a chuckle as I couldn't help but groan.

I had recently learned as much about chi and mystical martial arts as possible from the few of the All-caste monks who were still alive and even though I haven't yet made a breakthrough in unlocking something like nen or hamon, I have however learned how to augment and manipulate my chi to an absurd level, a level where even the invisible energy of life becomes so concentrated that it actually gains visibility in the form of a slightly shining colored aura.

But the reason why Ducra was poking fun at me was that despite having practiced so much and even being labeled as a 'fucking genius' by Essence, I still instead of learning every mystical martial art move in their libraries, had only concentrated on perfecting two. One was the mystical punch which by the way needed a better name. The move was really similar to Iron Fist's dragon chi-empowered punch and was mainly useful to knock people's teeth out even if the ones in question are intangible spirits or untouchable demons.

My second move however was a little more unique than the first one. The second move was basically me using enough of my qi in a specific manner to jump up in mid-air using the chi's energy as a boost and by constructing a mini platform made purely and entirely of chi making it possible for me to jump around in thin air like some sort of video game character.

"Maybe, if you had tried to train me better and showed me all the techniques you know, then we wouldn't have been facing this situation right now, would we? Perhaps, you are not the wise and amazing mystic art teacher that you think you are." I grumbled at the short Ancient One copycat, annoyed by her savage comments.

"Maybe. But again, as I have said before, everyone has their own part to play in the grand scheme of life. You do too and regrettably, it's not being an expert martial arts monk. So, it doesn't matter how much of this you learn because, at the end of the day, this is going to be only a small part of your actual destiny." She replied calmly, not showing any anger towards my comments at all.

After this, we didn't talk much as we both descended deeper and deeper into the cave in comfortable silence until we came across a huge door with inscribed runes all over it deep into the ancient cave.

"Welcome Bruce, to the true Chamber of all, where good meets evil, where life meets death, and where creation unites with destruction," Ducra announced in a voice filled with wonder like an expert professional tour guide giving a tour of the main attraction of the place.

"... was that supposed to wow me or something?"

"Maybe. Anyway, you are supposed to enter the chamber alone now that is if you aren't afraid of course. Inside you will find everything you would need in this war against the Untitled as well as everything you need to know. All you have to do is just keep your heart and mind clear and embrace the truth." She advised.

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