Chapter 52: Brutal Training is The Only Training

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"A Lion Doesn't Concern Himself With The Opinions Of The Sheep"

- Tywin Lannister, (Game of Thrones)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"You should have a very good reason to have interrupted my time with my wife Ubu." Ra's Al Ghul who was sitting in front of a grave calmly said without even taking a look at the figure standing behind him as he continued to arrange a bouquet of flowers.

"I do... Bruce has completed constructing his Mind Palace," Ubu answered with his head down.

Ra's Al Ghul's hands which were arranging a bouquet of flowers like an unstoppable well-oiled machine suddenly stopped as he lost his focus for a second, his eyes colored with surprise.

"Interesting. It seems that the kid truly has potential. If I remember correctly, this should be a record. I don't think anybody from the League has managed to successfully create their entire Mind Palace within a single day." Ra's Al Ghul had a small pleased smile tugging on his lips as he began to arrange the flowers even quicker.

"Your elder daughter did. She completed her Mind Palace in..."

"She is a girl. It doesn't matter how quickly she completes her task because she won't be inheriting the League. All she is good for is birthing a new heir. Even the training my daughters received has been just to make sure they don't get used against me by my enemies or that their weak bodies don't deliver useless heirs." Ra's Al Ghul calmly explained with a neutral expression on his face like he was talking about the weather. "And they know this as well. I made sure of it."

"I-I see my liege. But do you really think that rich little spoiled arrogant boy will ever be good enough to be the heir to the League? He will burn down this Establishment if he ever gets unrestricted reign over it." Ubu tried to let his thoughts known.

"It seems he really got over your nerves, didn't he? But you see old friend, the League is mine, and the decision on whether to let it be burned down by someone or not is also mine. You will NOT have any say over it." The old assassin said with each and every word of his possessing a unique tranquility of its own.

"Forgive me Ra's Al Ghul. I spoke outside my own limit. If you think Bruce is good enough to lead the League of Assassins, it means he is." Ubu submissively said making sure that Ra's had no misunderstanding of his intentions.

"Hmm... Now, let's go and see how much has he truly mastered the art of protecting one's mind." He said as he placed the now completely and neatly arranged flower bouquet on the grave and slowly stood up.

"Lead the way Ubu. Let's go and see my new favorite student."


"Are you guys sure that this eerie-looking green crystal can test my mental protection? I mean I truthfully expected someone to just somehow force themselves into my mind. Touching a green glowing rock isn't exactly what I had in mind. Are you sure I won't get cancer or something from this?" Bruce asked trying to fish for more information.

But unfortunately for him, neither Ra's nor his trusted servant said anything. So, he just sighed and went ahead and touched the crystal without wasting any more time.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Bruce yelled in surprise which startled both Ra's Al Ghul and Ubu but none of them reacted as they heard his next words, "It's too cold. Somebody should have warmed this up."

"What about pain? Don't you feel any sort of pain in your head?" Ubu asked, trying to understand how deep the crystal's mental probe affected Bruce. The more pain one feels after touching the crystal, the deeper the probe has successfully pierced into their mind. Normally untrained people would immediately lose consciousness when they touch the crystal since the energy of the crystal would penetrate really deep into their mindscape but Bruce not even giving the smallest reaction after clearly touching the crystal made it very hard for either Ubu or Ra's Al Ghul to understand how effective his mental defenses really were.

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