Chapter 92: End of The Falcon's Reign (1)

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"Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you... As it almost did me."

- Henri Ducard, Batman Begins


<(Omniscient POV)>

Jim Gordon normally didn't like to trust criminals. As a cop working in freaking Gotham of all places, he didn't trust civilians or even other cops, much less, criminals or in this case a broody vigilante dressed in a weirdly cool black and red metal armor who liked to beat up criminals for a kick... But, something inside him told him that he should, that if he didn't believe the guy, he would be making a big mistake that would cost both him, his force, and this city quite dearly.

"You are Griffin Katz, right? You have a younger brother and a single mother at home, don't you? Do me a favor officer and shoot me right in the head. The chest would do too since they are the most well-known weak points in the human body." Batman gestured at one of the officers behind Jim Gordon who was pointing the gun at him with slightly shaking hands. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Do it. At least, then we will be able to talk calmly without any of you thinking that you are any danger to me, even with all your guns."

"Griffin, don't." Jim tried to be the voice of reason. He himself wasn't sure if the Dark Knight was telling the truth or not but he didn't want to take a gamble. Shooting someone even though the victim asked to be shot was still very much a punishable offense even if the shooter was a cop and the victim was a criminal assaulting a caped crusader.

"Do it... NOW." *Bang* The sound of a bullet pierced the tense atmosphere as the officer shot his gun, his finger still twitching from fear.

"No, I didn't want to. It was a mistake. I was just scared for a moment." The cop immediately tried to defend himself as he put his gun down in fear but contrary to what he was expecting, there was no dead body falling on the floor like a puppet with broken strings.

No, the figure in front of him wasn't even the slightest bit wounded.

"Told you, you can't hurt me. This armor can withstand a heavy military-grade missile that can take out half of this city. One single bullet would not even scratch it... So, now, that we have finally concluded that you guys can't harm me, can we now finally move on to the more important subjects that we need to discuss?

Like all the substantial and non-dismissible evidence I have that can prove that half the drugs, crimes, and illegal weapons in this city are currently being controlled by Carmine Falcon with Penguin and this little nightclub of his being an important part of Falcon's operations." Batman stated as he waved a thick folder in front of the cops' eyes.

"And, what do you get by helping us for free? No wait, let me guess, you are removing competition for whoever you work for, so that they can take Falcon's empty throne for themselves once he goes to jail?" Gordon asked with a disgusted snort.

"I don't work for anyone. Someone might take up Falcon's power once he goes to jail, but I will make sure that I send them to jail as well. And as for your question, I don't work for anyone. However, I do indeed need something from you. I need your word that none of the cops will come after me while I do my work. I will purge Gotham of its filth and corruption and even assist GCPD when it needs my help but in return, you and all your officers will leave me alone to my devices, so that I can bring everyone who deserves it to justice."

"You want us cops, the guardians of justice to let you a random person in armor and a mask roam the city freely and beat up criminals as much as you want while we do nothing and sit on our asses all day long, hoping that you will be able to do our job better than us." Truthfully Jim was more than tempted to accept the offer. For some reason, he was sure that this person was more capable than his entire police department. However, he was not able to put aside his pride and say it in front of so many of his officers.

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