Chapter 15: Choosing a Dragon as a Teacher

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"If you can't do something, then don't. Focus on what you can."



It turned out that Helena was quite a friendly and kind-hearted girl, just somewhat frustrated for some reason, probably the effect of the criminal relatives in her family.

She had quickly become friends with Bruce and the other two girls after talking with them for some time in the cafeteria. She didn't mention anything about her family to them but that didn't stop Vicki from enquiring about it which Helena skillfully dodged.

Helena was a lot more mature than Selina or even Vicki. So it was quite easy for Bruce to converse with her.

By the time school ended that day, the trio had become a quartet although Bruce wasn't ever gonna call their group that since it sounded really weird.

"So, did you two have fun?" Alfred asked after school ended as Selina and Bruce went to him standing at the school gate with their car.

"No," Bruce said simply as he went directly inside the car to sit. Yes, he wasn't bored at school as he was able to talk with Selina and Vicki and later even Helena all day even though they talked like little girls which they were. But it didn't mean that he enjoyed school. Enjoy was a very strong word.

"He did," Selina whispered to Alfred with a cheeky smile. Bruce was able to hear her but didn't respond. He was too lazy to argue with her. He just wanted to go home and work on his drones.

He had sworn that once his drones were complete, he would use them first to find out about some of Alfred's secrets so that he could blackmail the butler into agreeing with him to not go to school. But again that would be difficult. Alfred was the most savage and sigma male he had ever seen. Bruce doubted that the butler would even care if he found out any of his dirty secrets.

The entire way to their home Selina explained to Alfred about their newest friendship with Helena as well as her rivalry with Vicki while Bruce just remained quiet.

"This Helena girl, is her full name Helena Bertinelli?" Alfred asked with a frown.

"Yes, do you know her?" Selina asked.

"Yes, indeed I do. Her family is quite famous in Gotham. Did you approach her or did she approach you?" Alfred asked with concern in his voice.

"It's not what you think Alfred. She didn't try to get close to us because of her family or anything. She was just an interesting girl, so we decided to befriend her. As for her 'family', I indeed know who they are and what they do but you don't have to worry, her family probably doesn't even know about her being friends with us and I don't think she is gonna tell either. She only seemed to truly like her siblings amongst all her family members." Bruce said quickly before Selina could answer.

He didn't want Alfred to have a wrong idea about Helena because she genuinely seemed like a good girl if he were to exclude her coldness and attitude that was drilled into her by her family.

"I see. I'll trust your choice of companions then Young Master. However remember, trust is something that should be earned not given. Your parents were too trusting, I don't want you to make the same mistake." Alfred said somewhat hinting at his suspicion that he thought that there was more to the Wayne murder than just a simple mugging gone wrong.

"You are quite right Alfred, you are quite right," Bruce said as he looked outside the car window. He didn't trust most people he met in this crazy world. The only people he trusted were the people he knew were honest from his previous life's knowledge and who also appeared loyal to him in this reality as well.

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