Chapter 110: The Calm Before the Storm

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"Sometimes Life Is Too Uncertain To Have Regrets."

- Goku, (Dragon Ball Z)


<{Somewhere above the Mediterranean Sea}>

<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"The aircraft's autopilot has been engaged successfully, sir," Cortana's voice echoed through the plane's speakers. "Current weather conditions are favorable, with clear skies and no atmospheric disturbances, ensuring smooth flying conditions. You may now rest easy until we reach the borders of Europe. I've initiated active monitoring for any criminal activity in Gotham during your absence. I'll compile a detailed report for your review later, while I'll take care of any minor tasks."

"Thank you, Cortana. I don't know what I would do without you. You are a blessing in a not-so-well-hidden disguise," I commended, prompting a blush in her holographic form. "Oh, and I have already decided on the initial android body that you will be using to test out how comfortable you are in a physical body and what changes you might desire in your body. I will start working on it after we return home.

Maybe, I should finish the solid/hard light project that I had been previously working on too. That would not only vastly increase your physical usefulness as my trusted digital assistant but also might be able to help in providing better training facilities as well." I pondered, ultimately deciding that completing both projects was of paramount importance to maximize Cortana's efficiency. After all, even I sometimes feel weird with so many of her robotic tentacles continuously working diligently in the Bat cave.

"Thank you, my dear master. You are too kind." The AI assistant tried to make an anime-like cute face while showing a huge smile on her face.

"No need for that. However, you should stop acting like an anime girl. Remember, I am the one who is going to decide what your new body is going to look like." I mock-threatened.

Maybe I should give her a body similar to the Twins from Atomic Heart... although that might be too much since that would just cause me to have a constant boner whenever I am around her. I don't know if I am a weirdo or a pervert of a special kind, but something in their body structure looked extremely hot to me even though they lacked actual faces... Maybe, I'll make them later when I establish the Justice League. They could be very good maids for the members of the League... or perhaps caretakers of the Legue headquarters. I wonder if the rest of the members would also sport constant boners because of them...

"Eh? That's not fair master. You are blackmailing me." Cortana complained with a pout as she narrowed her eyes at me like she could guess what was currently going through my mind.

"It's called cunning." I joked. "Anyway, what about the project I commissioned? Did the bank approve the loan for it?... Or should I say, did my bank approve the loan for it?" I chuckled.

"Yes, the loan request has been approved, but are you certain about pursuing a $5 billion loan for a hospital project? Given that we're not primarily a core medical company, it seems excessive, especially considering that the budgets for past Wayne family hospital projects have typically capped at $200 million. Of course, there's impressive potential for profit upon completion, but investing in industries like semiconductor technology or defense could yield higher returns," Cortana offered her candid feedback, struggling to grasp my rationale for such a significant investment.

"It's not merely a business venture, Cortana. It's a tribute to my father. The Wayne Memorial Central Healthcare Center was his vision—a dream to establish one of the world's premier medical facilities in Gotham. Profit is important, but it's not the driving force behind this project," I explained, clarifying my intentions.

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