Chapter 112: Naked and Not Afraid (1)

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"Oh, how dazzling! There's a woman within my reach!"

- Sanji, (One Piece)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"Stop looking at my cock, you shameless bunch of women. Have you lust-filled bitches never seen a man with a horse-sized dick before?" I complained with a straight face as I felt the curious and even slightly excited gazes of about a dozen women looking at my iron-hard cock.

'Tch, I should have run away when I had the chance to.' I thought while giving a stink eye to Diana, walking a few meters before me with a slightly downcast expression. She was wise enough to completely ignore my words while she pondered on how to correct the misunderstanding that had just occurred earlier among her sisters, a misunderstanding that stemmed from my recent string of misfortune.

You see, it all started back the moment when my aircraft crash-landed on this island and I was discovered amidst the wreckage by none other than Princess Diana, the princess of the island's ruling royal family, one who would one day be known as Wonder Woman in the future.

As an honest woman with the kind heart of a hero, she immediately understood my plight and didn't try to blame me at all for "invading" the island. Instead, after listening to my request, she was even ready to bring me a few fruits to eat when I told her I was hungry.

However, unfortunately, falling prey to some invisible and unseen force of comic perversion, the great and mighty Wonder Woman while trying to quickly fetch me some food, probably for the first time in her life as a warrior, slipped after stepping on a piece of broken metal and fell down right on top of me with her thighs smashing into my delicate face and her own head stopping a few inches away from my erect dick.

Of course, the situation was still manageable up until that point, but as luck would have it, a couple of Amazons had come to the beach at that very moment looking for their missing princess but instead of finding her idly strolling along the seashore like usual, they instead stumbled upon her in what seemed to them a VERY compromising situation with an unknown man who was stark naked.

And that was why I was currently being escorted to their Queen as a captive so that she could personally judge me for the "crime" I had committed by trying to defile her daughter who was also the nation's princess... Yeah, I was pretty sure that I did not have any 'lucky pervert' skill up until now but even if I did possess such an ability, I would have preferred it to manifest in a manner more conducive to good luck rather than doing the complete opposite.

'Only if I still had my clothes... or my nanobots.' I sighed in frustration.

A lot of people might ask me why I was naked in the first place but of course, I had my own reasons.

In the wake of the lightning storm, my entire luggage, along with all my attire, was lost amidst the chaos. The suit I wore was obliterated by lightning strikes, leaving nothing but ashes. Similarly, even my portable armory, which was meticulously secured and contained an array of weapons, gadgets, and reserve nanobots for emergencies, likely initiated its self-destruct sequence once the aircraft began to succumb to the tempest's fury. Of course, that was to ensure that no one else except me could ever get their hands on them in situations like these, but it also meant that I had no hope of getting them back as well.

My only hope here was the nanobots I had strategically hidden throughout my body, with clusters of them located in different regions such as the hollow parts of my muscles, bones, and various organs. This type of distribution ensures that those nanobots are extremely difficult for anyone else to find and even if some of them are discovered or destroyed, there are always backups in other areas.

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