Chapter 84: The Darkest Knight Emerges

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"Batman Punches People In The Face."

- Bruce Wayne, (Batman (Vol. 3) #53 (2018))


<(Omniscient POV)>

"What are you all waiting for? Quickly check what's wrong with the power. I hope it's not those DEA bastards. Even though the buyer assured us that he would take care of them, we still can't trust his words a hundred percent." The fat leader roared as he sent his men away to investigate the sudden blackout in the port.

He was the type of man who wasn't a fan of horror movies, otherwise, he would know that this was probably the worst decision he could have ever made in the horror story that his life was soon going to become.

"May-maybe we should get out of here Mr. Bill. W-we are done with the heavy lifting anyway. The client's g-guys would take care of the rest of the transportation process. We already have what we need." Ray gulped in anxiety and tried to advise his current boss as he quickly put the rest of the drugs in the soon-to-be-shipped container and sealed it.

"Don't worry boy, didn't I say as long as I am here, nothing can go wro...."

*AAAAHHH* A scream suddenly echoed in the distance, interrupting Bill as he immediately became vigilant and pointed his gun in the distance, not even sure where to aim at. Ray's situation was also similar as he too took out an AK-47 from the car trunk he had just loaded and aimed at the direction the scream came from. He was barely able to even lift the gun with his scrawny body as he struggled to figure out how it worked.

"Give me the big one. Here, you use the small one." Bill immediately took the AK-47 from his underling, giving him his small pistol in return. Either the boss was too proud to use a smaller gun than his subordinate or he was very scared.

While the two were barely able to breathe in unease, the others who had gone to check the other parts of the port were facing their own difficulties.

"Shoot the containers, he is on there." *BANG BANG BANG "No, he is at the boats. Shoot there." BANG BANG BANG* A large amount of gunshots began to echo as the men began to fire at random directions all over the port. The fog made their vision even worse as they struggled to see if they were even hitting anything at all or just firing at shadows.

"Wait, we are only four. Where's the rest?" A random mob who noticed the steadily dwindling number of their gang members after a few minutes, muttered to himself as he looked all around him, trying to find his colleagues. But before, he could voice his doubts, a metallic wire suddenly coiled around his feet and pulled him up with a force that dislocated a few bones of his body.

Hanging upside down, the last thing he could see before losing consciousness was the shadow of a terrifying humanoid bat punching him in the face with a metal-gloved hand with small spikes on it, spikes that he knew were going to break his nose and leave a very deep and painful mark on his face.

"Shit, I'll kill you whoever you are." The three other remaining gangsters who had noticed their friend being dragged upwards toward the roof of one of the containers began to shoot in that direction. One of them even threw a Molotov that he had brought with him to burn the entire place just to make sure that the creature who was hunting them didn't survive. They were even ready to sacrifice and burn their captured friend if it meant getting rid of the 'beast' that was hiding in the shadows.

Silence ensured after that, giving everyone there a false hope that perhaps they had won in the confrontation against whatever that was. But that false sense of security and victory didn't last for long as a light humming sound vibrated from behind them.

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