Chapter 17

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"Li Wuting stood still, then suddenly leaped toward someone.

The leap was too far, almost crashing into Li Wuting. Ning Rushen was startled and stumbled to the side!

Li Wuting reached out and grabbed his belt to steady him. 'Déjà vu?' he asked.

"...The scene of falling in the Golden Luang Hall flashed back in my mind," Ning Rushen replied.

Regaining his balance, Ning Rushen continued, "I just tripped."

Li Wuting sighed, pressing his forehead. "It's been two quarters of an hour."

An unspoken understanding hung in the air as they locked eyes.

Ning Rushen followed the ladder, landing back on the ground. He feigned surprise, bouncing in place. "Oh, indeed."

The examination grounds were vast, spanning three streets and alleys. High walls enclosed orderly arranged examination huts.

Li Wuting's inspection seemed impromptu. He wore a dark, fitted robe from his archery practice, maintaining a low profile with only a few discreet guards.

As they entered the Gongyuan gates, a tense atmosphere enveloped them.

Ning Rushen took a deep breath. Li Wuting asked, "Do you have any impressions of this place?"

Ning shook his head. "I dare not revisit this place even in my midnight dreams."

Li Wuting remained silent.

Guided by Guan Fan, they proceeded. "Ning, you were once the top scholar here," Guan Fan said with a smile. "This way, Your Majesty."

Officials within the Gongyuan hurried to pay their respects as the emperor arrived.

With many officials in attendance, Ning Rushen discreetly positioned himself at the rear.

Li Wuting's stern expression intensified as he inspected the examination hall. He engaged in conversations with accompanying officials, each question cutting to the heart of the matter.

The Gongyuan was vast, and it took them quite some time to explore.

Ning Rushen sighed inwardly:

Ancient examination conditions were abysmal. So many candidates crammed into one courtyard. Shelters separated them, enduring cold winters and scorching summers, confined for days on end. Their fate rested here.

A decade of diligent study, all culminating in this place.

But it was the limitation of their era, beyond their control.

As Ning observed, he suddenly heard Li Wuting's voice ahead:

"Ensure better accommodations for food and lodging. Get the funds from the Ministry of Revenue."

Guan Fan bowed, acknowledging the order. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Ning raised his eyes.

Across rows of officials, Li Wuting stood regal, the slightly desolate courtyard behind him. His eyes didn't hold aloofness but rather the concerns of common people.

In that momentary daze, Li Wuting turned to leave.

But before he could, he stepped closer to Ning, meeting his gaze. "Do you have any doubts, Ningqing?"

Ning's thoughts gathered. "Is the money sufficient?"

He remembered the near-empty treasury half a month ago.

Li Wuting's lips curved. "I've collected from a few sources. It should suffice."

...Almost forgot about that."

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