Chapter 16

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Li Wuting did not speak, just kept a straight face with a slightly cold expression.

Dequan glanced at the ring and hairband that Ning Rushen had used before, which were still lying aside. The latter treated the palace as casually as his own home, but the emperor said nothing, and the palace servants did not touch them either.

He rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, "It's really something about Lord Ning, not coming here anymore, and not even taking his things away - just cluttering His Majesty's sight!"

Li Wuting said indifferently, "If he doesn't take them, just throw them out as junk."

Dequan cleverly seized the opportunity, "Ah, I will send someone to call Lord Ning back to collect this junk!"

After saying that, he turned his head and waved his duster, "Go quickly."

However, as he turned to go back to the side, he let out a lukewarm snort.

Ning Rushen followed Huo Mian into the mansion, and at a glance, he saw the entire residence was simple and majestic, with strong branches in the courtyard and wide paths.

Passing through the front yard, there was a spacious training ground behind, where about a dozen personal soldiers were sparring and shouting.

Ning Rushen was in high spirits, "Your home is quite lively."

Huo Mian pointed out, "These are the brothers of my personal soldiers that I brought back from the northern border."

As they talked and walked to the side of the field, he called out, "Come over! Let me introduce you."

One of them saw Ning Rushen and seemed to size up his combat ability, "Eh? Is this the live target brought by the general..."

Huo Mian slapped the man with a heavy palm! Turning his head to correct, "Live... brother."

Ning Rushen praised, "...sounds auspicious."

Huo Mian reintroduced, "Lord Ning is here as a guest today. After we finish practicing archery, I will come and compete with you!"

Ning Rushen took a bow and arrow and stood by the field with Huo Mian.

Huo Mian was not as strict as Li Wuting, chatting while shooting arrows:

"Are you also participating in the imperial examination this time? What are you responsible for?"

Ning Rushen's thoughts suddenly drifted, "Eating."

Eating down a hundred households.

Huo Mian, "?" What?

Ning Rushen shook his head, pulling back his thoughts, "Responsible for a group interview."

"Oh, I've heard about the interview," Huo Mian said. "The emperor and the Ministry of Rites set a new rule, it seems to be random grouping. There is no communication of candidates or test questions between groups."

Ning Rushen thought for a moment, "It should be like this."

This process is mainly used to clean up the old party, ensuring confidentiality and fairness to other candidates.

Li Wuting would have considered it thoroughly.

—Except that the examiner is himself with a broken brain.

He murmured, "It wouldn't be to let me kill indiscriminately..."

Huo Mian's body shook, and he turned his head alertly, "What are you thinking? I just felt the aura of a rebel from you."

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