Chapter 13

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He had a flush on his face, his gaze flitting about, and a faint scent of alcohol enveloped him. Upon seeing this, Geng Yue immediately ordered someone to bring in hot water.

Not long after, a commotion sounded outside the tent. Geng Yan said, "That was quick," as he got up to fetch it, but then he heard De Quan's voice from outside:

Lifting the curtain, Ning Rushen poked his head out from inside, saw him, and seemed a bit confused, slowly saying, "Your servant... pays respects to Your Majesty."

Li Wuting looked at him for a moment, then turned and said, "Come with me."

Though unclear of the reason, Ning Rushen obediently followed.

Li Wuting glanced sideways, and the phrase that suddenly popped into his mind was precisely and headache-inducingly accurate:

Indeed, he was drunk enough to be at anyone's mercy.

The group made their way around the camp to the riverside behind the tents.

It was a quiet, secluded spot, with the river flowing gently.

Ning Rushen stood with Li Wuting by the riverside, glistening with waves, after the latter had sent all attendants, including De Quan, away to a distance of ten steps. Only then did he turn to face him.

"Do you know why I summoned you here."

Ning Rushen blurted out without thinking, "To watch the snow, the stars, the moon, and to talk everything from poetry and literature to life's aspirations."


Li Wuting's forehead twitched, "Do you think I have that much leisure time?"

Ning Rushen pursed his lips, looking at him.

What else, to leave him here as a corpse?

After his initial annoyance, Li Wuting's expression calmed down again, examining the face in front of him that seemed purely straightforward, "After Ning Qing hit his head, his actions and speech have been vastly different from before."

Ning Rushen continued to zone out, "Your servant... doesn't remember the past."

"Don't remember the past, but still remember meat buns?"

"Some things are carved into the soul."

"..." Li Wuting moved his lips, "No need for that."

Ning Rushen had already had a long day of travel, was startled by a horse, and had some drink. Now, the alcohol mixed with fatigue was rising, gradually filtering out Li Wuting's voice.

He only vaguely heard a few "Do you still remember?" and "You don't know either?"... To all of which he shook his head.

In the end, as he was fighting off sleep, he couldn't hold back, "Your Majesty."

Li Wuting stopped his questioning.

Ning Rushen, with a pair of red eyes, said pitifully, "Your servant is tired..."

Such words sounded extremely disrespectful.

What servant speaks to the Emperor in such a manner?

But Li Wuting seemed not to mind. He stared at Ning Rushen for a few seconds, then suddenly reached out to pull him closer—

Under the moonlight, the emotions in Ning Rushen's eyes were completely exposed to Li Wuting, even the tremble of his lashes was clearly visible.

Li Wuting stared unblinkingly, asking in a low voice, "One last question for you. The twelve imperial guards in front of the Golden Hall... does Ning Qing also not remember?"

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