The Head That Wears The Crown

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Braum kept her eyes closed as she laid under the tree on the hill that overlooked Ever After High. The sun seemed to dance between the leaves with a warmth that kept her comfortable. She was supposed to be watching Oz, but he could take care of himself. And if he couldn't, the people around him could. He was friends with Dracula, he would be fine.

So, for now, she would enjoy her "break". At least that was the plan before she heard footsteps. She immediately reached for her staff, but a familiar whistle stopped her.

Charles: Relax, it's just me.

Charles Charming, the oldest song of the Charming Family. The Prince to the throne until he reached the age of 18.

Braum: Getting away from your harem?

Charles rolled his eyes with a groan which only made Braum giggle. He took a seat against the tree as well and laid his head back.

Charles: How can so many girls have no self-respect? Don't they have better things to do than to follow me around everywhere?

Braum: They're princesses. All they have to worry about is looking pretty and being cursed or mutilated.

Charles sighed.

Charles: Yeah, I guess. But, what about you?

He tilted his head a bit so that he was looking at her.

Charles: All you do is look pretty and follow around a....whatever the hex Oz is.

Braum grinned.

Braum: You think I'm pretty?

Charles stuck his tounge out as Braum laughed. Their relationship from the outside may seem strange, but these two had more in common than most would think. Their friendship, though odd, was validated by the peace they would share. No words needed to be exchanged, no thoughts or beliefs.

A bond unspoken.

Braum looked down at his hand. It was so much larger than his. She didn't even realize she was touching his fingers until he shifted. Still, he didn't pull away. Their hands were soon pressed against each other.

Her hand looked like a doll's compared to his. They were rough, strong, yet gentle. Her were small, soft, yet powerful.

They said nothing as they sat under that tree. They just held each other's hands.

Braum woke up to the strange ceiling that felt both nostalgic and forgien at the same time. She sat up, her green night gown a mess of sorts with her hair sticking out every which way, and looked over to Ruby's bed. When she realized it was empty, she came to the conclusion that Blondie was dragging her around for some video shoot again.

She got to getting dressed for the way and brushing her hair so that it was somewhat straight again. The clothes she was gifted by Ozma and Dorothy felt strange to her, but she did like the fact that she wasn't wearing a skirt anymore. She could move more freely without fearing any exposure, and she liked the way the trousers fit her form.

Throw in a green blazer and a black vest over a white button up, you got yourself the Ozzian Royal Guard. Not that the Ozzians here really needed protection, but she was thankful that her position wasn't just given away.

She walked through the halls of Ever After High with her head high and a smirk on her lips, turning many heads rather they be princes or princesses. Though romance was far from her mind, she couldn't say she minded the attention.

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