The Fourth Trial

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A Mirror showed a waiting screen before it suddenly came to life with Ever After High's favorite MirrorCaster herself.

Blondie: Good Morning, my lovely viewers. This is Blondie Locks with an update regarding the Kingdom Games. As you know, this year's games have already proven to be nothing short of hexciting!

The screen changed to show clips from the last three days. Of course, the third day only showed you defeating the Knight and your victory pose after.

Blondie: The surpise Black Horses of these Games, Oz, have made impressive strides to show that they have come here to take the victory from the last game's champions, Ever After High. As a matter of fact, Oz is now in the winning position with two points thanks to Ozzi-uh, Y/N Ozymandias' incredible victory yesterday.

The screen showed your three sword rampage and impressive recovery at the last second.

Blondie: However, we still have two more days to go, so it's anyone's game! Will the Gods score their second point and tie up the game, or will another team have a come back and lead to a Tie Breaker Trial? Only time can tell, but I do know one thing.

She suddenly grabbed the camera, pulling it close until you could only see her face.


Oswalt leaned against the balcony of your dormroom. His mind was full as always. Thoughts of what he's done and been through up until this very moment. It had become a sort of tradition for him since he got Oz back. The sins he'd committed and the things he's done that lately have become heavy on his soul.

He looked up to the sky with a face of uncertainty. He began to question if he could ever truly be forgiven. And even if he was.....could he really forgive himself. He's hurt the woman he loved, he's hurt the people he now calls his friends, he betrayed his family. And it turned out, it was all for nothing.

He took a deep breath before he caught a familiar smell.

Oswalt: Good morning, lovely.

Kitty appeared beside him with her signature grin, leaning against him and reaching up to poke his cheek.

Kitty: You know, you're probably the only person who can tell when I'm around.

Oswalt: Of course I can. It's you.

Kitty purred as she wrapped her around around his neck, resting her back against his chest. Oswalt placed his hands on her hips and looked out at the arena. He began to wonder what today's trial will be.
Wicked took a sip of her coffee as Mulan, who had arrived early this morning, joined her. The two friends were enjoying the peaceful morning before the festivities began.

Mulan: I've been watching the Games. Your kids are truly something else.

Wicked could only sigh. She would rather you not be so reckless, but she agreed that you and Braum were doing exceptionally well. But, what worried her was Oswalt. The second trial was the hardest, but Oswalt was usually more focused. Something was on his mind, and she didn't know what.

Well, she might have an idea.

Mulan: And what about you? How are you doing?

Wicked: Me? I'm not in the games, silly. Though, I wonder if I could pass as a student. I've heard some of the children call me a Mil...

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