Spells and Reunions

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You slowly opened your eyes to the cool air. The area around you was foggy and the only light provided was the single lamppost that had become oh so familiar.

Aslan: Welcome back, Y/N. It has been some time.

You looked to find Aslan resting beside the lamppost, clearly having waited for you. You stood up to your feet and looked around.

Y/N: So, what's this about? Another quest?

Aslan: No. I simply wanted to wish you luck for your first day of class. You've grown.

You smiled a bit. However, that smile soon vanished when you thought about something.

Y/N: I'm sorry that I couldn't stop Jadis.

Aslan: You were never meant to.

You looked at him oddly. You weren't meant to defeat her? Then why did you go through all the trouble of finding the treasures?

Aslan: Your quest is complete. Jadis' defeat will come from another, should things go well.

You frowned. But, you were also a bit relived to not have that on your mind. Maybe you really can relax this year after all.

Aslan: Now, you should get some actual rest. You'll need it for tomorrow.

You suddenly found yourself back in your room. It was still night and you peeked over to see Oswalt still asleep in his bed. You let out a sigh, then a yawn before rolling back over and going back to sleep.

You sat with your seat leaned back and your foot keeping you steady by keeping it on the desk. Lizzie and Dutchess were once again your desk mates for General Villainy, but Raven was noticeably absent. She managed to get into a music class thanks to Baba Yaga and Giles.

But you liked this class. It was oddly therapeutic, plus Lizzie was here. You liked being a bit evil and you liked Lizzie. Plus you liked the teacher.

Badwolf: You're a ruler of an empire. You want money. How do you take it?

You immediately raised your hand, but the entire class shot you sharp looks. You slowly lowered it. You forgot the rule Badwolf had to make last year about you answering questions. You have to wait for someone else first.

Faybelle: I have an answer!

Badwolf: Faybelle, what is your answer.

Faybelle, daughter of the dark fairy, stood up and placed a hand on her chest.

Faybelle: I'd simply raise the taxes.

Badwolf: Not bad, but I'm sure Mr. Ozymandias can explain why that wouldn't work.

He nodded to you.

Y/N: You can't rule a successful empire by bleeding your people dry. It'll kill the economy and soon you'll be out of coin.

Faybelle pouted and sat back down.

Badwolf: And how would you do it?

Y/N: Taking over farmland and waging war against neighboring countries.

Badwolf: Wars cost money.

Y/N: Not if you don't pay the soldiers.

Badwolf: Explain.

Y/N: Use their families as hostages, duh.

Badwolf nodded in satisfaction. Everyone else just looked at you with fear in their eyes, save for Lizzie.

Ever After High: The End (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now