Resort and Rest

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The Kingdom Games were officially over now. It was clear when you watched as they took down the booths and stalls. After an hexciting five days of....whatever that was, you were actually happy to just be able to relax a bit.

At least that was the idea until you were called into the Headmaster's office. A place you actively tried to avoid so you wouldn't have to deal with Milton. Luckily, though, it was Giles who had called you. The only Grimm you liked.

Y/N: Giles, what's going on?

You entered the headmaster's office where Giles was waiting, smiling at the sight of you. He greeted you with a high-five which you gladly returned. Milton sat at the desk with a look of mild annoyance on his face, but he kept it to himself.

Giles: How are you doing, my boy? Have you fully recovered from your injuries?

You pulled up your sleeve, showing your now fully healed arm with a grin.

Y/N: As good as new. Maybe even better now I know I can just use magic without a conductor. I just need know....figure out how to do it again.

Giles nodded in approval.

Giles: Quite an impressive feat. I'm happy to hear that you are doing well.

You then looked over to Milton who was waiting for your small talk to finish. You just stuck your tounge out, clearly not caring nor respecting his authority.

Y/N: Hey, Giles, do you smell a wet dog or is it just me?


Y/N: So what did you call me here for?


Giles: Actually, I asked you here because of a certain someone.

Y/N: Hm?

The doors suddenly opened again, and you were engulfed in a warm hug by none other than the Empress of Asi herself while your mother watched.

Mulan: My dear nephew, I missed you.


She let go and you were finally able to resume inhaling air into your lungs. Wicked simply patted your shoulder, knowing how strong Mulan's hugs could be.

Giles: You see, Lady Mulan had a gift for you.

Mulan: Now, Giles, you know you don't have to be so formal. After all, you're taking care of my dear nephews and niece.

Milton: And we take great pride in doing so, Mulan.

A sharp glare was suddenly sent his way.

Mulan: That's Empress Mulan to you, dog.

Milton flinched and quickly went back to his paperwork. With him officially unwanted, Mulan turned back to you. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a certificate of some kind.

Mulan: Ta-da! A gift from your beloved aunt!

Y/N: Why do you keep calling yourself my aunt?

You took it and examined it. It looked like a kind of ticket for a trip to some resort. You read through it before you noticed a few select words.

Y/N: H-Hotsprings?

Your mind immediately went back to the hotsprings that you experienced back in Asi. How relaxing it was. How good it felt. You began to swoon as did Mulan.

Mulan: You can invite your friends and have a nice little trip to relax after such a great performance at the games~☆

Y/N: This is a great gift! Thank you Auntie Mulan~☆

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