Will We Stay Strong?

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Things around Ever After High had hit an all time record for nervousness. It was clear to anyone looking in that every student was still reeling from the outbreak of whatever strange disease had turned them into monsters thanks to the Evil Queen. But she had been defeated once again, though no one knew where exactly she was. Baba Yaga said that she couldn't get a read on her and the mirror didn't imprison her, so no one really knew what happened.

No one except for you and your siblings.

When word got out that the mysterious boy who helped with the cure was none other than the previously presumed dead Oscar, everyone found themselves tiptoing around the Ozzians. Even when Braum finally moved in to be Ruby's new roommate, no one really knew how to approch the siblings.

Brair and Maddie watched as you practiced your swordsmanship with Darling. You seemed fine, but they couldn't really get a proper reading on you. Oswalt was no better. They couldn't really figure him out to begin with, but Apple and Raven said that he had been a bit off as well. Even Poppy and Holly said that Ruby was keeping her head down and working on the Mirrorcast more.

They didn't know what to do.

Maddie: You're right, Narrator.

Briar just nodded, assuming I was correct as well, which I was.

Briar: I thought about throwing a spellebration for stopping the outbreak, but everyone was still a bit shaken by it. And even when I suggested a small get together, the Ozzians said they were all busy.

Maddie: Surely they aren't avoiding us, right?

Maddie looked up. Sadly, I can't deny nor confirm that for you, dear.

Maddie: Oh biscuits.

Briar: I mean, I get it. They just found out that their brother is still alive. It has to be a lot to take in. Still, I wish we could do something.

Briar rested against the balcony's railing and sighed.

Briar: Ozzie is always fighting for us. And Oswalt is trying his best to make up for everything he's done. Ruby is practically everyone's little sister now too. They do so much for us and sometimes I think we're letting them down by not returning the favor.

Maddie: I agree! That is why I came up with an idea!

Tea party time?


You whistled as you turned your sword in your hand, moving it effortlessly around while Oswalt read. He was trying to learn more about these swordskills that you were studying with Darling. There were a few that seemed interesting, but none of them really peeked his interest.

Y/N: Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Maybe I can help?

Oswalt: Thanks, but I think I got it. I'm trying to find something similar to the technique I use.

You stopped and decided to take a break. You set your sword down and took a seat on your bed, taking a drink as Oswalt kept looking.

Oswalt: The technique I use is Roslin. Unfortunately, no one really knows where it came from so there isn't much to go on.

Y/N: Roslin. Yeah, name rings a bell. It's a fencing style.

Oswalt: Correct. It works with the Blades of Oz, but you proved that other techniques could work too with your little stunt in that tower.

Ever After High: The End (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now