Former Peers

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The morning was cold, but it wasn't too annoying. Though it nipped at any exposed skin, Oz couldn't help but smile as he took a deep breath of the sharp chill. He let out a satisfying sigh as his roommate and best friend watched with slight confusion.

Dracula: Let me guess. A Kansas thing?

 A Kansas thing?

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Oz smiled.

Oz: Nope! That's just a me thing.

Oz: Nope! That's just a me thing

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Dracula let out a low sigh. He still had no idea how he allowed himself to be friends with someone who was as odd as Oz was. Then again, he wasn't exactly Prince Charming himself.

No, that would be the boy who was currently being swarmed by a few of the girls who managed to catch him as he left the dorms. Though he clearly looked annoyed, he kept a fake smile as to not disappoint anyone. Oz simply smirked and pointed at the boy.

Oz: Looks like Charles is having a grand ol' time over there, huh?

Dracula avoided looking as to not draw any attention to himself. He didn't like the attention either, though Oz seemed to thrive off of it. The two walked together towards the main building to grab some quick breakfast before class started. They didn't feel like being late to Baba Yaga's class again. Her detention punishments weren't exactly a good time.

Plus it got in the way of the whole "adventure" thing they had planned for the weekend.

Dracula: I wonder what they'll have in the Castleteria.

Oz: Probably the same stuff as usual. You know how consistent they like to be. Milton really likes his routines.

Dracula: Tradition.

Oz: Potato tomato. The point is that it's gonna be the same food.

Dracula gave his friend a look. Though he understood that he came from a different land, a different world really, he didn't particularly enjoy his way of talking. It was improper, but it did have a strange charm that seemed to make people orbit around him.

Dracula: Most likely.

The two entered the school they called home and began to make their way down the hall. Students either greeted them with smiles or quick waves as they walked. The two had gained a reputation that was vastly different then when they first started attending a year ago.

Ever After High: The End (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now