Ever After High

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The air smelt clean as you entered Wonderland. It was clear that the Queen spared no expense in celebrating the Croquette Tournament. People and animals and objects of Wonderland gathered to watch this sport that you still didn't really understand.

But you weren't really here for that.

Lizzie: Ozzie!

You were nearly knocked off your feet when the weight a small figure suddenly crashed into you. Her arms wrapped around your neck and her lips met your cheek several times. It was clear that she missed you.

You hugged your beloved before setting her back down. You took a moment to notice her outfit.

Y/N: Is that....

She had green too?

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She had green too?

Lizzie let out a short laugh before taking a step back to give you a better look.

Lizzie: Mother wanted to show the alliance between Wonderland and Oz. She will be wearing green as well, but I'm just happy you came.

You smiled.

Y/N: Well, guess I'll need to start looking for some red to wear. But let's head out. I don't want to miss any matches.

Red and Badwolf both watched as you, your siblings, Kitty, Cerise and Romana gathered in the front of the cottage. After a week of speedrunning summer, you were all ready to go back to school. And for some reason, your mother and Red suggested all the kids gather at the cottage for a picture.

Or so you were told.

Wicked: Over here! Oh, now do a silly one! How about the boys only? Now just the girls! Now give me my sweet babies. That means you too, Ruby! Kitty and Oswalt now! Oh you two are so cute!

You all held your tounges and played along with your mother's wishes. She had a lot of catching up to do and it was clear she was wasting no time. She's taken enough pictures to almost fill her mirror phone's storage. She just got it, too.

Ramona: Your mom is weird.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm aware.

Red and Badwolf just hung back and watched with face filled with remorse. They were just happy that your mother was still as loveable as she always was.

Badwolf finally sighed and walked over.

Badwolf: Okay, Wick. I think that's enough. They need to get going so they can move back into their dorms.

Ever After High: The End (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now