Hotsprings Paradise

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You sat at the table and ate while your friends chatted about whatever was on their minds. The day was a success and everyone was in high spirits. It really did feel like a nice vacation after not really having one in.......well it's been a while. You couldn't even say you were able to relax during Summer seeing as you went on an adventure and then immediately tried to speed run the rest.

You picked up some more meat with your chopsticks while Hunter and Alistair talked.

Hunter: It's pretty impressive that you were able to make something with such small gears.

Alistair: I can't take all the credit. The design was originally made by my mother a few years before she went to the Reader's World. I just tweaked it enough to make it work.

Oswalt: Oh, yes, how is your mother? Is she settling back into Wonderland?

Alistair smiled.

Alistair: I'd say so. She's actually staying at the Hatter's home until she can get a place of her own set up. The Queen has her men working on it.

Bunny: And she's been helping the Queen too. With Oz and Wonderland in a treaty, she acts as a kind of advisor now.

Oswalt smiled.

Oswalt: That's great to hear. I'm happy that she's able to find her home again.

Raven looked over to Alistair.

Raven: And you must be pretty relieved to have her back, huh?

Alistair nodded.

Alistair: It's a bit weird, having her around and checking in on me, but I can't say I hate it.

You were happy for him. Not just him either, but everyone has seemed much happier compared to the last school year. Now that everyone was freed from the burden of destiny, it seemed that they can actually be themselves. Funny how that happens, huh?

Lizzie was sitting across from you due to Briar practically trapping her there. She'd kept her word from last year after the Jabberwock attack and as treated Lizzie like a kind of sister in a lot of ways. With their shared interest in clothing and shoes, they had a lot to do when it was just the two of them.

It also helped that Brair thought that Lizzie was the cutest thing ever. Now that she wasn't yelling and threatening to behead everyone she met, a lot of people have started to notice how adorable Lizzie can actually be. And she only used her magic touch to trim the plants in the Grove.

But the one thing that didn't change was her feelings for you. She looked over to see Kitth and Oswalt eating beside each other. Kitty was silently purring, sitting closer to Oswalt who didn't seem to mind. She then looked back to you. You were laughing at something Apple said.

She thought back on the person you were when you first arrived at Ever After High.

You were colder. More closed off. You tried to keep the peace, but there was a deep hatred in you. But now you were...just Ozzie. The boy she loved. The boy who laughed with his friends. The boy who fought for sake of others.

It seemed like the two of you both have came a long way. And she couldn't be happier.

Brair: I can....

As she ran forward with young and shapely limbs, her bare feet slapped against the marble floor. The light reflected from her tanned skin.

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