Investigations and Imaginations

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Oz and Dracula entered the library and took a quick peek around. The Librarian, a shorter woman with short black hair and green eyes, was busy reading a book which left many of the students to study and chat freely. No one was particularly loud and it did help the stress of studying greatly.

The shorter boy looked over and spotted a table of familiar faces. He smiled a bit when a certain girl came into view with an armfull of books for the group. Dracula noticed his expression and followed his gaze.

Dracula: Looks like the four of them are back at it. The top four students of Ever After.

Oz: And of course they're all broads. But, if anything, it gives me a bit of hope for the future.

Dracula: True. Ever After has always been ruled by a queen. I feel a lot more comfortable if she's as confident and competent as those four.

Oz: Oh, I just meant by how gorgeous they are. If they're like this, just imagine what the next generation of girls will be like! Our kids are gonna be set.

Oz began to fawn over the idea of beautiful women. This idea was smacked, literally, out of his head thanks to Dracula. Oz winced and held his head while Dracula crossed his arms.

Dracula: Focus. We're here for a reason, remember?

Oz rubbed his wound as someone approached them. The two looked up as the girl stopped and crossed her arms.

Mulan: Of course it's you making this much noise. Don't you know this is a library?

 Don't you know this is a library?

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Oz lifted his hand with a smile.

Oz: Mu, how are ya doing?

Dracula: Sorry about the noise. This one was being an idiot. As per usual.

Mulan: Of course he was. But, what are you two doing here? You both left so suddenly during breakfast.

The two boys looked at each other.

Oz: We'll, that's a bit of a story.

Mulan: Someone is rising Druids? Why?

Oz shrugged. The trio were now hiding among the bookshelves as to not raise any concern toward their peers. Or, rather, to not tip off anyone should the one responsible be listening. But Mulan was like Oz, she couldn't use magic.

Mulan: This sounds like a serious issue. I get why Madam Yaga would put you two on it.

Dracula: My guess is Evil. She's always up to something.

Oz: That might be true, but she's been in detention for the last few weeks after she tried to poison Pinocchio.

And no one ever escapes detention. Not even her. But that didn't mean she was out of the list of suspects. No one was, unfortunately. Everyone had to be considered. But, luckily, there was a way to narrow down the list.

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