The Final Trial

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You took a deep breath. Today was the final trial and tonight was the dance. Oz was barely holding first place, but EAH was creeping up slowly. You didn't know what today held, but you felt like you were ready for it.

You turned around and found Oswalt pulling on his last brace. He fixed it until it was firmly on his wrist before he looked to you. He nodded with determination. Together you walked out of the dorms where Braum was waiting.

Braum: 'Bout time you two showed up.

She smirked.

Braum: Let's go win this.

The excitement for the final day was clear with the crowd screaming louder than ever before. This year proved to be an entertaining one with impressive feats from all Champions. And victory was now caught between Oz and Ever After High. Of course, the Gods and the Charmings could make a come back as well.

It was anyone's game.

Blondie had invited Ruby onto the show to help her host the final day as all the teams gathered in the arena for the final trial, whatever it may be.

Hunter: Pretty crazy, huh?

Darling: That's a word for it.

Y/N: Crazy? I was crazy once....

Fellowship: DON'T!

You just laughed. Even Farrah yelled at you from the stands. She had just returned from a trip with her mother and hurried over to watch you all participate in the last day.

The heads of the families were also very invested in who would win. It was clear that the winner could be anyone. It was only a matter of the final trial.

Snow: Thank you all for joining us on the last day of the Kingdom Games. I don't have to tell you what hexciting year this has been. But, we still have one more trial to go. This final trial will determine the true winner of the games!

The crowd cheered as Snow rang the bell. You all watched as the arena began to shift and change. Finally, it revealed a large stone structure. A kind of cube.

Snow: The Chamber of Truths. Champions will enter the chamber and will be asked a series of questions. Should they lie or refuse to answer, they will be rejected by the chamber. The those who make it to the end will be award 50 points!

The crowd cheered while you all looked at the cube. Braum placed her hands behind her head.

Braum: Welp, have fun Y/N.

Oswalt: We'll be rooting for you.


You weren't the only one. All the teams were arguing over who would have to reveal deep secrets in front of the entire world. But, in the end, you stood beside Hunter, Darling, Maddie, Arthur, and the Neverland participant. They were dead last, so they weren't exactly trying too hard to win.

The doors opened and one by one you all started to head inside.

Hunter: I really hope it doesn't ask anything embarrassing.

Darling: Me too. This is going to be some bad.

You only groaned.

Once you were all inside, the doors closed. It was pitch black for a moment before a glow began to spread across the floor. The entire chamber was suddenly illuminated to reveal a single stone pillar in the center of the room.

Ever After High: The End (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now