A Lack of Proper Personal Protective Equipment

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The recording starts, the black screen going into a grey before a warning pops up, reading:

"This recording contains comments of an abstract nature, please be advised.

If you are a member of Class-D, please disregard the above message"

After a moment, the warning dissapears and is replaced with a concrete room, the walls a bare and smooth off-white with sunken lighting, a strip running around the room at knee level, casting it in a sheer light, with the camera angle fractured into two, facing eachother as the room has a define L shape.

There is a lone bed in the corner, little more than a concrete bench with an integral small shelf  embedded into the base. Offsetting this, there is a polished, clean looking table in the center, made of wood, with several chairs spread around it.

Suddenly, the blank, muted door bearing the SCP logo opens, and our fluffy, dark protagonist enters, looking slightly annoyed, before looking around the room and sighing audibly

Purogen: More concrete?

Agent Buckeye, hidden by the doorway: Yeah. Now get in.

Purogen enters, before going and sitting on the bed and looking at the walls

Purogen: Where is the server room....

Wardeel, having entered and is now sitting in a chair: Its certainly in the facility.

Purogen: That is painfully unhelpful.

Wardeel: That's the point.

Purogen sighs, before looking intently at a spot on the wall, and then hitting it with the end of his tail, as a small wrrring noise starts

Wardeel: What are you doing?

Purogen: Recharging.

Wardeel: What?

The noise stops as the lights flicker for a moment, then go steady

Purogen: Damn, sorry.

Wardeel: For what-?

Purogen: I think I tripped the breaker...

Wardeel, after a moment: Let me guess, you drilled into the wall and hit a wire, and attempted to charge yourself off it, and then blew the breaker.

Purogen: affirmation noise

Wardeel: I swear to 343, you are the worst.

Purogen: At least I don't have an emo hairstyle and an unending hatred for all life.

Wardeel: Yeah, he is getting shipped tomorrow.

Purogen: Good luck.

Wardeel: I am gonna need it. Now, d you need anything?

Purogen: I could use a book and a few terabytes of storage.

Wardeel: Any preferences?

Purogen: Not particularly.

Wardeel: I'll put in an order.

The camera feed seems to stop, as Purogen turns to look at the camera, nothing else in frame moving



Purogen: Having fun?

Purogen turns back to looking at wardeel, as time starts again and he stands up

Purogen: Seriously though, good luck. We are both gonna need it if IT is gonna be here.

Wardeel: We are gonna have the pc and Cain help, we should be fine.

Purogen: For your sake, I hope so.

Wardeel exits the room, as purogen turns and stares at the camera again, before the recording stops.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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